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Comparative study of Mimosa ophthalmocentra Mart. ex Benth and Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir. (Fabaceae-Mimosoideae) wood in the caatinga of Northeast Brazil

Due to the economic importance of the wood of Mimosa L. species in Northeastern Brazil's caatinga and to the fact that Mimosa ophtalmocentra Mart. ex Benth. ("jurema-de-imbira") is confused with Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir. ("jurema-preta") and vice versa, this research aimed to present new data related to the anatomy and basic density of the wood of both species; to contribute to the taxonomic study for differentiating them; to identify anatomical characters of the wood relating them to the caatinga environment; and to present the energetic potential that they possess. The anatomical study and wood density determination were carried out with samples at dbh level and with two branches of individuals within the municipalities of Serra Talhada and Sertânia (Pernambuco). The species both differed in bark type, color of heartwood and sapwood, besides the different anatomical characteristics found in the wood. Mimosa ophtalmocentra has distinct growth layers consisting of parenchyma lines containing crystals, scarce parenchyma and smaller quantity of rays. Mimosa tenuiflora, on the other hand, also has growth layers, but without crystals, axial parenchyma vasicentric, confluent and in bands, and greater percentage of rays. Both species have some wood elements with anatomical characteristics typical of representatives of Mimosa, contributing therefore to a better taxonomic understanding of the genus. Based on wood anatomical parameters and elevated basic density (> 0.84 g/cm³), the conclusion was reached that both species have great perspectives for the production of fuel alcohol and charcoal since juvenile wood age. Because Mimosa ophthalmocentra has scarce parenchyma and fewer rays, it shows greater energetic potential than Mimosa tenuiflora.

Mimosa; wood anatomy and density; charcoal; caatinga

Sociedade Botânica do Brasil SCLN 307 - Bloco B - Sala 218 - Ed. Constrol Center Asa Norte CEP: 70746-520 Brasília/DF. - Alta Floresta - MT - Brazil