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Wavefront-Guided Lasik for low to moderate myopia: CustomCornea® versus Zyoptix®

PURPOSE: To compare the visual and clinical outcomes of Wavefront-guided laser in situ keratomileusis (Lasik) with Alcon CustomCornea® and Zyoptix® systems. METHODS: A prospective, randomized, masked and bilateral study was conducted. Fifty patients with preoperative spherical equivalent ranging from -1.00 to -6.50 D were enrolled for customized ablation in both eyes. All of them were submitted to Lasik CustomCornea® treatment in one eye and Zyoptix® in the other eye. Uncorrected visual acuity, best correct visual acuity (BCVA), manifest refraction, wavefront measurements, and contrast sensitivity testing were performed preoperatively and postoperatively at 1, 3 and 6 months. RESULTS: Preoperatively manifest refractive spherical equivalent was -3.29 ± 1.56 D in the CustomCornea® group and -3.22 ± 1.50 D in the Zyoptix® group. At 6 months, 86% of CustomCornea® eyes and 70% of Zyoptix® eyes had UCVA > 20/20. One hundred percent of the CustomCornea® group and 88% of the eyes in the Zyoptix® were within 0.50 D of emmetropia. In both groups, the contrast sensitivity improved. Spherical aberration increased in both groups, with the CustomCornea® group showing lower levels (p<0,001). CONCLUSION: There were no differences between the systems according to safety and effectiveness. The Zyoptix® platform showed greater spherical aberration.

Myopia; Keratomileusis, laser in situ; Refractive errors; Comparative studies

Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia Rua Casa do Ator, 1117 - cj.21, 04546-004 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel: 55 11 - 3266-4000, Fax: 55 11- 3171-0953 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil