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Performance of structural ceramic blocks produced from red mud and clay mixture

The use of new techniques for waste reuse has become increasingly important in construction, especially when it deals with the use of waste from other industries and reduction on the consumption of natural materials. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of red mud (LV) waste, alumina metallurgical residue, on the production of structural ceramic blocks. The production of the blocks was carried out at a ceramic industry, using a mixture of 60% of red mud and 40% of clay. After the production of blocks, tests were conducted according to technical standards, such as water absorption and simple axial compression. From the analysis of the results, the conclusion was made that that structural blocks, made from the mixture of clay and LV, complied the standard parameters related to the rate of water absorption and compressive strength, and that the strength of theses blocks was significantly higher than those made from 100% clay.

Red mud; Clay; Masonry structural; Ceramic blocks

Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído - ANTAC Av. Osvaldo Aranha, 93, 3º andar, 90035-190 Porto Alegre/RS Brasil, Tel.: (55 51) 3308-4084, Fax: (55 51) 3308-4054 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil