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Brazilian Political Science Review, Volume: 18, Número: 2, Publicado: 2024
  • The African Agenda of Evangelical Christians in Brazilian Foreign Policy: The Crisis of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in Angola Article

    Klein, Magno; Carvalho, Henrique Rabello de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper analyzes the incidence of Evangelical groups in contemporary Brazilian foreign policy, in particular in the search for government support for their missionary presence on the African continent. The paper argues that Evangelicals assumed an important part of Brazil’s African policy during the Jair Bolsonaro government and that it is necessary to analyze the profile of their activities in order to understand the trajectory of relations between Brazil and African nations in recent decades and the growing influence of non-state actors, especially religious groups. The text addresses the recent crisis experienced by the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in Angola in 2019 as a case study of the work of evangelical sectors and their influence on Brazil's foreign policy for the African continent.
  • The Politics of Agribusiness in Brazil: Business Power and Political Success during the 55th Legislature (2015-2019) Article

    Mancuso, Wagner Pralon; Resende, Ciro Antônio da Silva; Silva, Lucas Henrique Ribeiro da; Prado, João Felype Vieira; Santos, Ana Luiza Ormeni Almeida dos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper addresses two central issues during the 55th legislature (2015-2019). First, the relationship between the instrumental and structural power of agribusiness and different aspects of parliamentary behavior, namely membership in standing committees and the introduction of legislative bills. Second, the level of success achieved by agribusiness in relation to the legislative production of the National Congress. Concerning the first question, we employed binary logistic regression to demonstrate that deputies who received the most campaign financing from agribusiness (an indicator of instrumental political power), and whose voters were highly dependent on agribusiness as a source of employment (an indicator of structural political power), were more likely to secure seats in the Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, Food Supply, and Rural Development (CAPADR). We also employed negative binomial regression to demonstrate that deputies whose constituents were more dependent on jobs created by the sector (structural political power) introduced a greater number of bills favorable to the sector, while introducing fewer bills contrary to its interests. Regarding the second issue, we utilized statistical techniques such as the chi-squared test and the analysis of adjusted residuals to compare the stance of the Agricultural Parliamentary Front (APF) with the decisions of the National Congress on bills concluded during the 55th Legislature. Our findings suggest that agribusiness attained success in the vast majority of decisions resulting in new laws, although many bills supported by the sector had different outcomes. In summary, the 55th Legislature demonstrated a high degree of receptiveness to the interests of agribusiness. However, while the interests of agribusiness wield considerable influence in the Brazilian Congress, this influence is far from all-encompassing.
  • The United States, Russia, and the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: A New Regional Order in the Middle East? Article

    Menezes, Gustavo Oliveira Teles de; Nasser, Reginaldo Mattar

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The transformations the Middle East has been through since the Arab uprisings of the 2010s, also known as the Arab Spring, have been the subject of intense debate in the literature. In this regard, a relevant issue is the role played by the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) and Russia in the face of the United States’ regional influence. Is Russia’s involvement in the Gulf determined exclusively by the logic of great power rivalry, or are there specific dynamics in GCC-Russia relations? Why have GCC states been seeking to diversify their relations with the great powers, a process that includes varying degrees of engagement with Russia, since the context of the Arab uprisings? Taking into account these questions, this article aims to analyze the interactions between Russia, the United States, and the GCC countries since the Arab uprisings of the 2010s. It is argued that, although the intensification of Russian involvement in the Gulf has been enabled by the perception of a US withdrawal from the region, such involvement has an autonomous character based on mutual interests with the GCC countries. Furthermore, the consolidation of the GCC states as a largely autonomous center of power in the Middle East is stressed, a condition that enhances these countries’ ability to develop, with a hedging behavior, relations with both the United States and Russia in a complex regional order.
  • Policy Dismantling and Resilience: a Proposal for an Analytical Framework Based on the Case of the Food and Nutritional Security Policy in Brazil Article

    Andrade, Marina Lazarotto de; Milhorance, Carolina; Parnes, Hannah Ribeiro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study examines the link between policy dismantling and democratic backsliding through a comprehensive analytical framework. This framework not only addresses dismantling strategies but also assesses resilience mechanisms, covering aspects like new policy implementation arrangements, diversification of governance, involvement of non-state actors, and the creation of alternative forums. Applying this framework, the study examines three food and nutritional security programs using qualitative methods such as semi-structured interviews and participant observation. Findings highlight significant impacts of dismantling on initiatives started during the Workers' Party administrations, especially affecting the Food Acquisition and the Cisterns Programs that heavily involve civil society in their operations. In contrast, the National School Feeding Program showed resilience, supported by established subsystems and a federative pact. The Cisterns Program's resilience, underpinned by effective mobilization of beneficiaries and civil society organizations, also stands out, illustrating the importance of community involvement in counteracting policy dismantling.
  • The Social Participation on the Other Side of the Counter: Bureaucracy Perceptions in the Social Assistance* Article

    Direito, Denise do Carmo; Almeida, Debora Rezende de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper proposes an analytical and empirical shift to identify the meanings that state actors mobilize regarding social participation. It innovates by focusing on the perceptions of bureaucrats about participatory institutions and by proposing the dialogue between two sets of literature: the approaches of Participatory Institutions (PI) and of the Sociology of Public Action (SPA). From the former, it takes up the debate on the meanings of participation, while from the latter it takes on an understanding of bureaucrats as actors who mediate between the state and society and of the role of interaction in defining state action. It carries out a case study in the middle-echelon bureaucracy of the National Secretariat for Social Assistance, covering the period of political-institutional changes after the presidential impeachment. The main technique is qualitative and content analysis of 44 semi-structured interviews with DAS 04 and 05 bureaucrats. It concludes that there are multiple meanings of social participation among bureaucrats, influenced by attributes such as professional and management links, subnational experiences in politics and PIs, and academic background. It identifies a gradual decrease in the relevance of non-state actors for decision-making and the redefinition of participation as listening, which becomes both formal and uninterested.
  • Implementation of a Climate Policy Monitoring System in Brazil: Political Challenges for Coordination on Multilevel Governance Arrangements Article

    Maia, Mariana; Serafim, Lizandra; Alves, Elia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    After the failure of the Kyoto Protocol, a new architecture of international climate governance gradually emerged in the Paris Agreement establishing a division of roles for climate governance: states, which are formal members of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), set goals and incentives, while non-party actors’ action conditioned implementation. As the UNFCCC framework remained state-based, less attention has been given to how non-party actors interact with national governments to enable multilevel governance arrangements for implementing climate policies. This work contributes to filling this gap by investigating the unsuccessful Brazilian initiative to implement a monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) system, part of the UNFCCC framework, led by the Federal Climate Articulation Group (NAFC, in Portuguese). The NAFC was a venue for subnational participation within the governance structures of federal climate policy, whereas non-state actors provided technical knowledge. We consider the MRV system to be a public policy instrument and non-party actors to be border agents supporting capacity building through the translation of technical issues into policy options. Based on qualitative analysis of documents and interviews, we found that such influence did not enable capacity building due to the limited decision-making power of federal agents, which led to the non-implementation of an MRV system.
  • Permanent Distortions in Times of Pandemic and Social Disruption: A New Risk Society on the Horizon Book Review

    Uebel, Roberto Rodolfo Georg
Associação Brasileira de Ciência Política Avenida Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315, sala 2047, CEP 05508-900, Tel.: (55 11) 3091-3754 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil