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Enrique Dussel and the Philosophy of Liberation in Organization Studies


The purpose of this theoretical essay is to revisit, in a didactic and non-exhaustive way, the main ideas of Enrique Dussel and his Philosophy of Liberation, exploring the main concepts and categories elaborated by the author. The positive basis of this philosophy puts the challenge of breaking with the silence of the voices of the oppressed, exploited or victims who were not considered relevant agents in the construction of modern society (women, indigenous population, slaves, peasants, etc.). The Philosophy of Liberation is based on the concepts of Totality, Exteriority, Alienation, Mediation, Proximity and Liberation. Totality, based on the conquering pretension of the colonizers, is obtained from an ontological dimension that reveals truth as what stems from those who consider themselves superior by their technological or economic domination. This discourse resulted in the exteriority of those who do not originally integrate this public, excluding them from the system and attributing to them the alienation, which is the denial of their subject status. We confirm the colonization of the Administration when we substitute critical consciousness of the administration for the reading of popular business media, for rhetoric of the consultants and for the belief of a free market where, naturally, there are resources only for those who are to prosper in a scenario of uncertainties. The classic theory of economy makes the competition and the exteriority natural, however, we can organize ourselves to meet popular needs in a more inclusive, democratic way, respecting the limits of the environment. Proximity and liberation are a fundamental thought for overcoming such vision.

Decolonialism; Philosophy of Liberation; Enrique Dussel.

Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas Rua Jornalista Orlando Dantas, 30 - sala 107, 22231-010 Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil, Tel.: (21) 3083-2731 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil