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Discursive interactions in science education: teacher's promotion of discussion and student's scientific literacy

In this paper we propose a comparative analysis between the discourse of the teacher and the indicators of Scientific Literacy in order to seek a relationship between the action of the teacher and the development of skills aimed at teaching science. We will analyze the discursive interactions in high school classroom of Physics by using two analysis methods: the first, aims to identify the interactions of the teacher, his intentions, the content of speech, ways to approach the standards for discourse and action. The second, seeks to identify, into student's speech, parameters of organization, ranking or classification of information, developing and testing hypotheses, logical reasoning, explanation, prediction and explanation. We checked out other things to direct relationship between the standard discourse of the teacher and the development of skills relevant to a scientific education that aims to Scientific Literacy.

Discursive interactions; Scientific literacy; Science education; Teacher's speech; Argument

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação para a Ciência, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Faculdade de Ciências, campus de Bauru. Av. Engenheiro Luiz Edmundo Carrijo Coube, 14-01, Campus Universitário - Vargem Limpa CEP 17033-360 Bauru - SP/ Brasil , Tel./Fax: (55 14) 3103 6177 - Bauru - SP - Brazil