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The Superman of Nietzsche


Article published in the carioca journal A manhã , in 1942. The Brazilian historian discusses moral and political aspects of the ideal of "Nietzsche's superman". For this purpose, it transcribes and paraphrases parts of his work Thus spoke Zarathustra ; it brings quotes from interpreters of Nietzsche's works as Édouard Schuré and Mariano Antonio Barrenechea; it seeks to disentangled the idea of superman from personal, political and authoritarian uses, defending his author as a common patrimony of humanity.

Nietzsche; superman; political morality

Grupo de Estudos Nietzsche Rodovia Porto Seguro - Eunápolis/BA BR367 km10, 45810-000 Porto Seguro - Bahia - Brasil, Tel.: (55 73) 3616 - 3380 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil