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The official pedagogical discourse in Argentina (2003-2013): teaching and equality

This article discusses the results of research on teaching practice regulations in Argentina. Using the conceptual tools of political analysis of the discourse, I will analyse some of the main elements of the official discourse between 2003 and 2013. I will raise the hypothesis that they were articulated around the discursive equivalence of educational inclusion-equality, and that it gave way to two streams of related meanings. One of them associated equality and educational inclusion to the declaration of education as a social right, the centrality of the state, the return of the common good and the consideration of the diversity; the other associated equality and educational inclusion to the idea of centrality of teaching, to work with situations of "educational inequality" - such as the age-grade distortion and failure - and "social vulnerability", and the promotion of alternative modes of organization.

Educational Policies; Discourse; Teaching; Argentina.

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