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Estratégias para divulgação da produção técnico-científica em epidemiologia

Despite several proposals concerned with the plans of development of Epidemiology, there is, already a great discussion over the object of this subject. The recent development of a "new" Epidemiology has often been questioned as a tool adequate enough to give bases to the projection and operation of contemporaneous health centers. Epidemiology as a scientific subject has a peculiar character: the social determinations attached to problems and urgency of answers. The academic environment, though a privileged place, is not the exclusive producer of Epidemiologic knowledge. Apart from papers and books produced by the academic work, we must consider the "marginal" writings so common in such area of knowledge. Also we have an incipient systematic divulgence of relevant epidemiological information originated from the health centers. Even the academic work such as thesis and dissertations are not well divulgated. The Brazilian editorial policy of ABRASCO (Brazilian Association of Colective Health) has the most important role in the divulgence and definition of the lines of Epidemiology.

Epidemiology; Epidemiological production; Epidemiological divulgence

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