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Internationalization of the knowledge production on Brazilian Higher Education Institutions: international tradition cooperation and international horizontal cooperation

The Brazilian scientific knowledge production is realized, basically, in the graduate education level. This paper analyses the international cooperation in this education level. The sources of the dates are institutional reports and information with the staff of the CNPq and CAPES and studies about bilateral and multilateral agreements, foreign with scholarship in the country and Brazilians with scholarship in the other countries. The results confirm the presence of the internationalization periphery model in the HEIs despite the expansion of the internationalization at the research and at the graduate level. The results show the coexistence of the two internationalization models: the predominance of the traditional international cooperation - CIT, based in the competition and in the collocation in the globalized labor market and the tendency, in spite of little, from 2003, of the Horizontal International Model - CIH, based at the international consciences and in the consolidation endogen scientific capacity of more fragile partners.

Higher Education; Internationalization of the Higher Education: International Traditional Cooperation; International Horizontal Cooperation; Knowledge Production

Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Avenida Antonio Carlos, 6627., 31270-901 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 31) 3409-5371 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil