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Assessment of the competency profile of the head of pedagogy in Chilean educational centers in vulnerable contexts1 1 - This article is the product of the doctoral thesis Competencias profesionales del equipo directivo del sector particular subvencionado chileno en contextos vulnerables (VILLARROEL; GAIRÍN, 2014). * * English versión by QuickSilver Translate SI.


This study focuses on the professional competency profile of the head of pedagogy in Chilean schools in vulnerable contexts, identifying its specific competencies associated with domains of fundamental competencies, contextualized within these type of centers and according to the profile that the employer sees fit. This is a qualitative research study of a single case that employs mixed methodology and ethnographic design—including the analysis of three official documents from the Pedagogical Management Committee—a focus group consisting of sostenedores—as well as three questionnaires answered by experts on the topic, and five working sessions with the aforementioned Committee. The results identify four domains: a) pedagogical leadership, referring to guiding and promoting teaching/learning processes for teachers; b) pedagogical-administrative support, as pertaining to coordinating, monitoring, and supporting teachers; c) curricular management of learning processes, as pertaining to monitoring school processes; and d) innovation project management, meaning directing and organizing innovation projects proposed by teachers. The study provides the identification of sixteen professional competencies pertaining to four domains applicable to vulnerable contexts, which were validated by higher education experts and sostenedores. The final profile is rated very high and high by the management entities that participated as a pilot sample during the application of the profile model.

Head of pedagogy; Subsidized education; Vulnerability

Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo Av. da Universidade, 308 - Biblioteca, 1º andar 05508-040 - São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel./Fax.: (55 11) 30913520 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil