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The Jean-Jacques Rousseau Institute and Brazil: traces of a connected story


The Jean Jacques Rousseau Institute (JJRI) was created in 1912, in Geneva, Switzerland, with the aim of promoting new horizons and practices in education. The defense for the diffusion of a pedagogical science, based on the studies of experimental and childhood Psychology, guided the actions of the Institute which worked, especially, through teachers’ training. The Institute’s courses received students and visitors from several countries, including Brazil. In this study, we seek to investigate the traces of the networks built among the Institute and intellectuals of Brazilian Education, from its creation until the mid-1930s. We adopt as main sources the newspapers and magazines available in the “Hemoteca Digital Brasileira”. Our theoretical and methodological contribution is based on the works of Ginzburg (2007), Mignot and Gondra (2007), Houssaye (2007), Fuchs (2007), Roldán Vera and Fuchs (2021), Vidal and Rabelo (2020) and Rabelo and Vidal (2021). We emphasize that the Institute’s performance sought to create a network of educators from several countries in order to spread an international movement for the transformation of education, associated with the New School movement. Our study showed evidence on the connection among the Institute, intellectuals, and Brazilian institutions, pointing out that the educational perspectives defended by the Institute were spread in Brazil by teachers who not only visited, but also worked in the country during the period investigated in the dissemination of ideals expressed in training courses by the JJRI.

Press; Jean Jacques Rousseau Institute; Transnational Networks

Setor de Educação da Universidade Federal do Paraná Educar em Revista, Setor de Educação - Campus Rebouças - UFPR, Rua Rockefeller, nº 57, 2.º andar - Sala 202 , Rebouças - Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil, CEP 80230-130 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil