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Knowledge management practices in technology parks: case study - Technology Park TECNOPUC

Práticas de gestão do conhecimento em parques tecnológicos: estudo de caso - Parque Tecnológico TECNOPUC


The constant search for competitiveness has become a mandatory practice to ensure the survival and growth of the organization, in this context of fierce competition enterprises, cities, regions and entire countries are seeking ways to ensure its sustainability, anchored in knowledge and constant innovation. The Technology Parks have proved development tools aligned to these new challenges, assisting in technological strengthening and integration of cities, regions and nations in the knowledge economy. These innovation centers, production, dissemination and use of knowledge are intensive, and management becomes imperative. Thus, Knowledge Management meets this need, and although it has achieved a consolidated stage as a research field, its relationship with the Technological Parks was little explored in the literature. Based on the analysis and reflection of these research gaps, this paper aims to propose a set of guidelines for the development of Knowledge Management in Technology Parks. To this end, was developed, validated and applied a data collection instrument in five Technological Park, four in Brazil and one in Spain. The selected case studies were analyzed, identifying initiatives, programs and tools related to knowledge management. Finally, based on these results, was proposed the mentioned guidelines.

Knowledge management; Technology park; Guidelines

Universidade Federal de São Carlos Departamento de Engenharia de Produção , Caixa Postal 676 , 13.565-905 São Carlos SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3351 8471 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil