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Families of women with breast cancer: challenges associated with care and coping resources

According to Coping Theory, breast cancer is a potential source of stress for the patients' families. They develop strategies mediated by personal and contextual resources to deal with its repercussions. This study describes and analyses the principal repercussions of breast cancer and its treatment, reported by patients and their relatives, identifying the main resources that emerged in the coping process. Qualitative case studies with five families of women with diagnosis of breast cancer in different stages of the disease and treatment were carried out through semi-structured interviews and observations in their residences. The main results indicate intense psychic suffering generated by changes in finances, routine, projects of life, sexuality and self-image. The following positive aspects were reported: the social recognition of the role of caregiver, the acquisition of new responsibilities and the maturing of family members.

Breast cancer; Family health; Coping resources

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