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Sustainable Territorial Development from the perspective of artisanal fishing: the reality of the Ponta Oeste da Ilha do Mel, Paraná, Brasil


The study deals with the management of biodiversity by artisanal fishermen. A survey of the biodiversity managed by the community of Ilha do Mel - Paraná was carried out. Sixty-four species of fish were listed and identified, as well as other aquatic and terrestrial animals handled in lesser quantity. The results of this research indicate that identified biodiversity and management practices characterize common use practices typical of traditional communities.

traditional communities; artisanal fishermen; biodiversity management

Universidade Católica Dom Bosco Av. Tamandaré, 6000 - Jd. Seminário, 79117-900 Campo Grande- MS - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 67) 3312-3373/3377 - Campo Grande - MS - Brazil