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Critical analysis of the "estudo ambiental preliminar" of the urbanistic project "Reviva Lagoa Itatiaia", in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil

Environmental impacts are disturbances in the ecosystem, caused by human activities. The objective of this study was to analyse the preliminary environmental study (eap) of the project "reviva lagoa itatiaia". For that, it was compared the effective legislation and related literature and the responsible team for its preparation was interviewed. We conclude that the eap does not have the environmental covering of the ecosystem that is going to be disturbed due to the lack of multidisciplinary discussion.

Environmental impact assessment; Lagoa Itatiaia; urbanistic project

Universidade Católica Dom Bosco Av. Tamandaré, 6000 - Jd. Seminário, 79117-900 Campo Grande- MS - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 67) 3312-3373/3377 - Campo Grande - MS - Brazil