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Dual task in healthy elderly, depressive and Alzheimer’s disease patients

Dupla tarefa em idosos saudáveis, depressivos e pacientes com doença de Alzheimer



To investigate whether the DT performance can be affected by the diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD).


Cross-sectional data with 108 individuals [Healthy (HE) = 56, MDD =19, AD = 33] aged 60 and older of both sexes diagnosis with AD, MDD, and HE without a clinical diagnosis of mental disorders, residents of the city of Rio de Janeiro. DT performance, was measured by mean velocity (m/s), DT cost and the number of evoked words (DTanimals). One-way ANOVA was used to compare groups. In addition, a logistic regression was used to verify the association between the performance in the DT variables and the risk of MD and AD, controlled by age and scholarity.


There was a significant difference between the HE and AD groups in the DT variables. The worst performance in the DTC and DTanimals variables increased risk of AD, regardless of age and scholarity (DTC, OR = 5.6, 95% CI = 1.4-22.2, p = 0.01 and DTanimals, OR = 3.6, 95% CI = 0.97-14.0, p = 0.05).


The ability to perform two tasks simultaneously appears to be impaired in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, and unaffected by the major depressive disorder.

Cognitive function; dual task; Alzheimer’s disease; depression; functional capacity

Instituto de Psiquiatria da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Av. Venceslau Brás, 71 Fundos, 22295-140 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 21) 3873-5510 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil