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Instrumentos de gestão e controle de gastos em C & T: o caso das prestações de contas simplificadas do Programa de Demanda Social na CAPES

The present paper reports an experience of construction and implantation of a management information system for a management institution of Science and Technology - S&T. Nowadays the control and accompaniment of execution of expenses related with scholarships of master and doctor degree is realized through of the innovator system of simplified accounts rendering. This system managing the execution of it surrounds of 34.000 scholarships related with the graduate studies in all the national territory. The conditions of implantation of system put CAPES (Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education) and the diverse nationals Institutions of Superior Education, in partnership for to make the process of accounts rendering of the scholarships of post-graduation stricto sensu, a process dynamic, rapid and creative. The objectives this work is: a) To make public the experience of implantation of system of simplified accounts rendering of Social Demand (Program of concession scholarships of master and doctor), b) to evaluate the results reached and the performance of the system; c) to register and to evaluate key aspects of character technique/politics of the information system, with its difficulties and limitations. The improvement of flow of information promoted by the software adapted and reduction of bureaucracy in the process of accounts rendering it reflects in improvement of accompaniment, control and management decisions in skillful time, lessons about the management of process and information in S&T, whose knowledge can to be of utility for similar entrepreneurships.

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