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Processo de negociação coletiva no espaço rural mineiro: uma análise retrospectiva da década de 1990

The objective of this work was to trace a configuration of the occurred process of the collective bargaining at the Minas Gerais State countryside in Brazil , during the decade of 1990. It was used a descriptive method, the retrospective analysis. It was showed that: a) the collective bargaining process in this region was configured as a social practice that assumed distinct and singular traces; b) its practice found some structural impediments associates with the organization form of the syndicalism; c) the claims that became part of a agreement through the negotiation processes were those limited to the requirement of the labor law. The considerations carried out from this work can, in such a way, contribute for a reflection concerning reformulation of the Brazilian system of work relationship process in the agricultural social space. This is important especially at this moment where they start again the public discussion about the role of the State in this issue. Certainly, the subject of collective bargaining, the flexibilization of the labor laws and changes in the organization of the syndicalism is part of the debate agendas.

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