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The transparent body and the expanded panoptic: remarks on imaging technologies and reconfigurations of the contemporary persona

This article discusses how imaging technologies - especially those applied to medicine over the course of the 20th century - interact with visual culture, and how, based on this dynamic articulation, the body and persona (among other aspects) are reshaped. As with other human activities, visuality is informed and shaped by the socio-cultural and historical context in which it is experienced. In the final decades of the 20th century, with the dissemination of computer technology, new paradigms emerged that were informed by the digitalization of information and images. Together with visual technologies, other scientific fields, especially genetics, have played a significant role in new social constructions. The article therefore touches on them in passing as an attempt to expose part of the complex situation in which the body and persona are reshaped.

Imaging technologies; body; persona; visual culture; digitalization

PHYSIS - Revista de Saúde Coletiva Instituto de Medicina Social Hesio Cordeiro - UERJ, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - sala 6013-E- Maracanã. 20550-013 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (21) 2334-0504 - ramal 268, Web: - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil