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Lacanian psychoanalysis and structuralism: conduction of desire as a pure function to a transcendental level

In the most structuralist period of Lacan’s work - the one that takes place during the beginning of the 50’s -, there is an insistence on the separation of desire from the object which results, not only from the approach that Kojève had provided for the topic, but now, specially from the instruments presented by the idea of structure. The article investigates the details of this process and indicates in which sense it leads desire to a transcendental plan.

Structuralism; Lacanian psychoanalysis; Desire; Signifier; Recognition

Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 1721 - Bloco A, sala 202, Cidade Universitária Armando de Salles Oliveira, 05508-900 São Paulo SP - Brazil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil