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Bia Brazil: Activewear Made in Brazil to the World

Bia Brazil: Moda Esportiva Feita no Brasil para o Mundo


This teaching case presents the company Bia Brazil, one of the leading Brazilian exporters of activewear, founded in 1994 by a former gymnast, Beatriz, with websites in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. In 1996, the first exports to Costa Rica took place. Over the years, the company has expanded its sales to over 40 countries. The company seeks the constant offer of new products that meet the requirements and demands of each country. Despite its international growth, the company’s presence in the Brazilian market remains small. There have been two failed attempts at physical stores, and although it continues with only online sales in the domestic market, the entrepreneur seeks a model to grow inside Brazil. We recommend the use of the case in courses related to internationalization, more specifically to International New Ventures and Born Globals. Some connections with other classes can be made and are recommended with the case analysis.

teaching case; internationalization; activewear; international new ventures; born globals

Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Pedro Taques, 294,, 87030-008, Maringá/PR, Brasil, Tel. (55 44) 98826-2467 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil