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The writing and the “popular” The Antologia do folclore cearense and the manufacturing of an author


In 1968 the folklorist Florival Seraine published Antologia do folclore cearense, when folklore was integrated to the public policies of culture by Brazilian Folklore Defence Campaign, created in 1958 by the federal government. This article examines how Seraine used writing not only to inventory popular traditions, but also to assert itself as an author in a new field of study, and in a national discussion network engaged in folklore issues.

folklore; writing; author.

EdUFF - Editora da UFF Instituto de História/Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Prof. Marcos Waldemar de Freitas Reis, Bloco O, sala 503, 24210-201, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, tel:(21)2629-2920, (21)2629-2920 - Niterói - RJ - Brazil