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Lean methodology: contributions to improving work processes in health and nursing

Metodología Lean: aportes a la mejora de los procesos de trabajo en salud y enfermería



to investigate the contributions of applying the Lean methodology to improve work processes in health and nursing and its impact on associated financial aspects.


an integrative review, carried out in six databases, whose sample of ten (100.0%) studies was analyzed and summarized descriptively.


the outcomes obtained were stratified into: benefits/barriers to Lean Healthcare implementation; economic aspects involving Lean Healthcare implementation; and process improvements through Lean Healthcare implementation. The majority of studies (60.0%) were carried out in university hospitals, contexts that need to continually improve the quality of services provided, generally with scarce and limited resources, which support the viability of maintaining the teaching, research and extension tripod.


three (30.0%) studies highlighted the financial aspects associated with Lean methodology application. The others only mentioned the possibility of financial gains through improving processes and reducing waste.

Total Quality Management; Efficiency; Organizational; Cost Efficiency Analysis; Process Optimization; Cost Savings



investigar las contribuciones de la aplicación de la metodología Lean a la mejora de los procesos de trabajo en salud y enfermería y su impacto en los aspectos financieros asociados.


revisión integradora, realizada en seis bases de datos, cuya muestra de diez (100,0%) estudios fue analizada y resumida de forma descriptiva.


los resultados obtenidos se estratificaron en: beneficios/barreras para la implementación de Lean Healthcare; aspectos económicos que implican la implementación de Lean Healthcare; y mejoras de procesos mediante la implementación de Lean Healthcare. La mayoría de los estudios (60,0%) se realizaron en hospitales universitarios, contextos que necesitan mejorar continuamente la calidad de los servicios prestados, generalmente con recursos escasos y limitados, que sustentan la viabilidad de mantener el trípode de docencia, investigación y extensión.


tres (30,0%) estudios destacaron los aspectos financieros asociados a la aplicación de la metodología Lean. Los demás solo mencionaron la posibilidad de obtener ganancias financieras mejorando los procesos y reduciendo el desperdicio.

Gestión de la Calidad Total; Eficiencia Organizacional; Análisis Costo-Eficiencia; Optimización de Procesos; Ahorro de Costo



investigar as contribuições da aplicação da metodologia Lean para melhoria dos processos de trabalho em saúde e enfermagem e sua repercussão nos aspectos financeiros associados.


revisão integrativa, realizada em seis bases de dados, cuja amostra de dez (100,0%) estudos foi analisada e sintetizada descritivamente.


os desfechos obtidos foram estratificados em: benefícios/barreiras para implantação do Lean Healthcare; aspectos econômicos envolvendo a implantação do Lean Healthcare; e melhorias em processos por meio da implantação do Lean Healthcare. A maioria dos estudos (60,0%) foi realizada em hospitais universitários, contextos que precisam melhorar, continuamente, a qualidade dos serviços prestados, geralmente com recursos escassos e limitados, os quais sustentam a viabilidade da manutenção do tripé ensino, pesquisa e extensão.


três (30,0%) estudos evidenciaram os aspectos financeiros associados à aplicação da metodologia Lean. Os demais apenas mencionaram a possibilidade de ganhos financeiros por meio da melhoria de processos e redução de desperdícios.

Gestão da Qualidade Total; Eficiência Organizacional; Análise de Custo-Eficiência; Otimização de Processos; Redução de Custos


Lean methodology consists of a fact-based and data-driven improvement philosophy that values preventing defects over detecting them, aiming at customer satisfaction through delivering the best quality at the lowest possible cost(11 Cerfolio RJ, Ferrari-Light D, Ren-Fielding C, Fielding G, Perry N, Rabinovich A, et al. Improving operating room turnover time in a New York City Academic Hospital via Lean. Ann Thorac Surg. 2019;107(4):1011-16.
). Of industrial origin, its principle has been applied in the health area, due to the similarity of the production processes of institutions that, despite the distinctions, they seek to plan and execute actions, in a determined time, with specific resources, at the lowest cost, to create value for a customer(22 Magalhães ALP, Erdmann AL, Silva EL, Santos JLG. Lean thinking in health and nursing: an integrative literature review. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem. 2016;24:e2734.

Lean aimed to identify waste, eliminating what does not add value (NAV) to customers, in order to increase process efficiency and product quality. In lean processes, added value is obtained through flows that include the essential activities that the customer goes through, and during the execution of these activities, value is added. Thus, added value results from cycles of continuous improvements, which are sources of innovation(33 Gonçales Filho M, Antoniolli PD, Pires SRI. Functional structural change of lean and pulled industrial production system: the flexibility case. Gest Prod. 2020;27(3):e4385.

In the health area, this methodology is called Lean Healthcare, whose results include identifying and eliminating waste in production processes, with the main focus on adding quality and delivering to customers only what they consider to be value (services that respect and meet their preferences and needs), through an efficient and waste-free process(22 Magalhães ALP, Erdmann AL, Silva EL, Santos JLG. Lean thinking in health and nursing: an integrative literature review. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem. 2016;24:e2734.

3 Gonçales Filho M, Antoniolli PD, Pires SRI. Functional structural change of lean and pulled industrial production system: the flexibility case. Gest Prod. 2020;27(3):e4385.
-44 Zeferino EBB, Sarantopoulos A, Spagnol GS, Min LL, Freitas MIP. Value Flow Map: application and results in the disinfection center. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019;72(1):140-6.

Lean Healthcare adds maturity to management, as it goes beyond departmental vision and creates a process-oriented culture that can encourage people’s engagement to deliver benefits to the business or the institutional mission and vision. Therefore, management needs to be clear about the final results it wants to achieve, assigning those responsible for the sustainability of processes and measuring performance based on these(22 Magalhães ALP, Erdmann AL, Silva EL, Santos JLG. Lean thinking in health and nursing: an integrative literature review. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem. 2016;24:e2734.

Lean Healthcare application, as it is based on formal instructions and standardization of the work environment, professional training and respect for people, is favorable for increasing quality of care and patient safety. It assumes that “front line” or production chain professionals are able to assess and contribute to what patients need to have their needs met, considering good clinical practices. In this way, the strategic level approaches the production chain and effectively manages the practice that will progressively impact strategic indicators(22 Magalhães ALP, Erdmann AL, Silva EL, Santos JLG. Lean thinking in health and nursing: an integrative literature review. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem. 2016;24:e2734.

The main repercussions arising from the application of this methodology are associated with increased team productivity and efficiency, reduced patient waiting time for care, standardization of care processes and, consequently, reduced costs(22 Magalhães ALP, Erdmann AL, Silva EL, Santos JLG. Lean thinking in health and nursing: an integrative literature review. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem. 2016;24:e2734.

Considering that the result of the production process is dependent on people’s behavior, in addition to the focus on standardizing activities, which provide greater productivity, it is necessary to have in-depth knowledge of current work procedures, with a view to continuous improvements in the process. Another important element is the institutional administrative commitment to investing in and promoting a culture of continuous improvement, covering a set of principles and personal values that transform people’s way of life, guiding them towards improvement-seeking behavior with investment in corporate education, competency-based management and indicators(33 Gonçales Filho M, Antoniolli PD, Pires SRI. Functional structural change of lean and pulled industrial production system: the flexibility case. Gest Prod. 2020;27(3):e4385.

It is noteworthy that Lean thinking underlies a management model that is a reference in terms of operational excellence and the achievement of quality care, through the improvement of processes, with the central aspects that patients value, such as better, safe, fast, qualified and resolute service(55 Zhu LF, Qian WY, Zhou G, Yang M, Lin JJ, Jin JL, et al. Applying Lean Six Sigma to reduce the incidence of unplanned surgery cancellation at a large comprehensive tertiary hospital in China. Inquiry. 2020;57:46958020953997.

The achievements of implementing continuous improvement strategies are recognized around the world. Using such strategies, processes are improved and efficiency increases and, therefore, waste is reduced and savings can be passed on to consumers, resulting in improved quality. When customers receive quality products, companies are able to increase their revenue and, consequently, the economy grows(66 Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Science of Improvement[Internet]. Boston; 2021[cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:

It is noteworthy that, in Brazil, resources allocated to the health sector are increasingly scarce and limited, and the commitment of leaders, regardless of the legal nature of the institutions (public, private or philanthropic), with the organizational management model, cost management and its repercussions on the viability of different work processes is essential to ensure the provision of safe, efficient, effective and financially sustainable health services(77 Brancalion FNM, Lima AFC. Process-based Management aimed at improving health care and financial results. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2022;56:e20210333.

Furthermore, Lean requires a structural change, from top management to the production chain, not being a point of arrival in itself, but rather a path of continuous search for improvements and operational excellence(77 Brancalion FNM, Lima AFC. Process-based Management aimed at improving health care and financial results. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2022;56:e20210333.
). In health service provision, this methodology is designed to create a culture that applies science to design, execute and continually improve the work provided, focusing on measurable value to patients.


To investigate the contributions of applying the Lean methodology to improve work processes in health and nursing and its impact on associated financial aspects.


Ethical aspects

Due to the type of article (review), there is no need for approval from a Research Ethics Committee.

Study design, place, and data collection period

This integrative review, a method that provides the synthesis of knowledge and the incorporation of the applicability of results from significant studies in practice(88 University of Toronto Libraries. Knowledge syntheses: systematic & scoping reviews, and other review types [Internet]. Gerstein Science Information Centre; 2023[cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
), was conducted based on the guiding question: what are the contributions of applying Lean methodology to improve work processes in health and nursing and its impact on associated costs?

The PICO strategy was used, an acronym for Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcomes(99 Lubbe W, ten Ham-Baloyi W, Smit K. The integrative literature review as a research method: a demonstration review of research on neurodevelopmental supportive care in preterm infants. J Neonatal Nurs. 2020;26(6):308-15.
), using the letters and their equivalent terms: “P” - work processes in health and nursing; “I” - Lean methodology application; “C” - no intervention was established for comparison; and “O” - improvement of processes and associated financial aspects.

To ensure the rigor of this review, the following steps were taken(99 Lubbe W, ten Ham-Baloyi W, Smit K. The integrative literature review as a research method: a demonstration review of research on neurodevelopmental supportive care in preterm infants. J Neonatal Nurs. 2020;26(6):308-15.
): objective establishment; inclusion and exclusion criteria establishment (sample selection); definition of information to be extracted from selected articles; analysis of results; presentation and discussion of results. To select the articles, databases and portals were used that allowed expanding the scope of research(1010 Aromataris E, Munn Z (Editors). JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis. JBI. 2020.

Sample; inclusion and exclusion criteria

Articles published in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with free texts available, in full, in the selected databases, in the period between 2018 and 2022, which highlighted the contributions of applying Lean methodology in health/nursing work processes and their repercussions on financial aspects, were included. Articles available only in abstract format, published only in conference annals and with paid access were excluded.

Study protocol

Based on the guiding question, a search was carried out in the US National Library of Medicine (PubMed), Latin American and Caribbean Center for Health Sciences Information (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Scopus, Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Engineering Village databases.

Controlled descriptors were delimited (MeSH and MeSH terms, CINAHL Headings, Engineering Village Headings and DeCS) as well as specific keywords for some databases and their derivatives. They were combined with the appropriate Boolean operators (OR and AND). The Boolean operator OR was used between descriptors from the same PICO group, and AND, to search between the PICO groups, being:

  • PubMed (MeSH): Nursing OR Nursing Team OR personnel management hospital OR Job description OR professional role AND Total quality management OR value based purchasing OR workflow AND Hospital Costs OR cost and cost analysis OR Health Care Economics and Organizations OR practice valuation and purchase OR cost savings;

  • CINAHL (CINAHL term): Team Nursing OR Nurse Administrator role OR personnel management hospital OR Job description OR professional role AND Total quality improvement in nursing OR quality management OR value based purchasing OR value based insurance OR workflow OR workflow analysis OR workflow analysis in nursing AND Health care costs OR costs and cost analysis OR cost control OR nursing costs OR economic aspects of illness OR cost savings;

  • VHL (DeCS): enfermagem OR nursing OR enfermería OR “equipe de enfermagem” OR” nursing team” OR “grupo de enfermería” OR “administração de recursos humanos hospital” OR “personnel administration hospital” OR “administración de personal en hospitales” OR “descrição de cargo” OR “job description” OR “perfil laboral” OR “papel profissional” OR “professional role” OR rol profesional AND “gestão qualidade total” OR “total quality management” OR “gestión de la calidad total” OR “aquisição baseada em valor” OR “value-based purchasing” OR “compra basada em calidad” OR “fluxo de trabalho” OR workflow OR “flujo de trabajo” AND “custos hospitalares” OR “hospital costs” OR “costos de hospital” OR “análise de custos economia e organizações dos cuidados em saúde” OR “costs and cost analysis” OR “costos y análisis de costo” OR “determinação do valor econômico de organizações de saúde” OR “practice valuation and purchase” OR “valorización y adquisición práctica” OR “redução de custos, cost savings, ahorro de costo”;

  • Scopus (keyword): Nursing OR Nursing Team OR personnel management hospital OR Job description OR professional role AND Total quality management OR value based purchasing OR workflow AND Costs OR cost and cost analysis OR health care economics and organizations OR practice valuation and purchase;

  • SciELO (DeCS): enfermagem OR nursing OR enfermería OR “equipe de enfermagem” OR “nursing team” OR “grupo de enfermería” OR “administração de recursos humanos hospital” OR “personnel administration hospital” OR “administración de personal en hospitales” OR “descrição de cargo” OR “job description” OR “perfil laboral” OR “papel profissional” OR “professional role” OR rol profesional AND “gestão qualidade total” OR “total quality management” OR “gestión de la calidad total” OR “aquisição baseada em valor” OR “value-based purchasing” OR “compra basada em calidad” OR “fluxo de trabalho” OR workflow OR “flujo de trabajo” AND “custos hospitalares” OR “hospital costs” OR “costos de hospital” OR “análise de custos economia e organizações dos cuidados em saúde” OR “costs and cost analysis” OR “costos y análisis de costo” OR “determinação do valor econômico de organizações de saúde” OR “practice valuation and purchase” OR “valorización y adquisición práctica” OR “redução de custos” OR “cost savings” OR “ahorro de costo”;

  • Engineering Village (keyword): Nursing OR Human Resource Management OR job Analysis OR job description OR professional role AND Quality control OR lean production OR manufacture OR process monitoring OR lean six sigma OR work simplification OR aggregate value OR aggregates OR concrete aggregates AND Cost OR cost benefit analysis OR optimization OR hospitals OR cost effectiveness OR economics.

Analysis of results

Data originating from the sample of selected studies were analyzed and synthesized descriptively.


According to Figure 1, from January 2018 to October 2022, 378 primary studies were identified in the previously described databases. During the selection, 10 duplicate (identical) articles were eliminated and 354 articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. The full texts of 19 eligible articles were assessed, obtaining a sample of 10 articles(77 Brancalion FNM, Lima AFC. Process-based Management aimed at improving health care and financial results. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2022;56:e20210333.
,1111 Flynn R, Newton AS, Rotter T, Hartfield D, Walton S, Fiander M, et al. The sustainability of Lean in pediatric healthcare: a realist review. Syst Rev. 2018;7(1):137.

12 von Eiff MC, von Eiff W, Roth A, Ghanem M. Process optimization in total knee arthroplasty procedures: impact of size-specific instrument sets on costs and revenue. Orthopade. 2019;48(11):963-8.

13 Wang H, Bilbao MS, Miller SL, O'Donnell CT, Boyd JH. Endoscopic radial artery harvesting during anesthesia line placement reduces the time and cost of multivessel coronary artery bypass grafting. Innovations (Phila). 2020;15(1):43-50.

14 Squeo GC, Lattimore CM, Simone NL, Suralik G, Dutta SW, Schad MD, et al. A comparative study using time-driven activity-based costing in single-fraction breast high-dose rate brachytherapy: an integrated brachytherapy suite vs. decentralized workflow. Brachyther. 2022;21(3):334-40.

15 Fernandes HMLG, Jesus MVN, Silva DD, Guirardello EB. Lean Healthcare in the institutional, professional, and patient perspective: an integrative review. Rev Gaucha Enferm. 2020;41:e20190340.

16 Masthoff M, Schneider KN, Schindler P, Heindel W, Köhler M, Schlüchtermann J, et al. Value improvement by assessing IR Care via Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 202;32(2):262-269.

17 Barros LB, Bassi LC, Caldas LP, Sarantopoulos A, Zeferino EBB, Minatogawa V, Gasparino RC. Lean healthcare tools for processes evaluation: an integrative review. Int J Environ Res Public. 2021;18(14):7389.

18 Ma H, Cao J, Li M. Application of PDCA Process Management in Day Operation Ward and the Influence of Nursing Quality and Safety. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;2022:8169963.
-1919 Ying J, Wang H, Ye H, Du C, Mao L. The supervision and management mode of disinfection supply center improves the standardization of sterile goods management in clinical departments. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;6916212.

Figure 1
Flowchart of the primary studies selection process adapted from the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), 2023

The 10 articles analyzed(77 Brancalion FNM, Lima AFC. Process-based Management aimed at improving health care and financial results. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2022;56:e20210333.
,1111 Flynn R, Newton AS, Rotter T, Hartfield D, Walton S, Fiander M, et al. The sustainability of Lean in pediatric healthcare: a realist review. Syst Rev. 2018;7(1):137.

12 von Eiff MC, von Eiff W, Roth A, Ghanem M. Process optimization in total knee arthroplasty procedures: impact of size-specific instrument sets on costs and revenue. Orthopade. 2019;48(11):963-8.

13 Wang H, Bilbao MS, Miller SL, O'Donnell CT, Boyd JH. Endoscopic radial artery harvesting during anesthesia line placement reduces the time and cost of multivessel coronary artery bypass grafting. Innovations (Phila). 2020;15(1):43-50.

14 Squeo GC, Lattimore CM, Simone NL, Suralik G, Dutta SW, Schad MD, et al. A comparative study using time-driven activity-based costing in single-fraction breast high-dose rate brachytherapy: an integrated brachytherapy suite vs. decentralized workflow. Brachyther. 2022;21(3):334-40.

15 Fernandes HMLG, Jesus MVN, Silva DD, Guirardello EB. Lean Healthcare in the institutional, professional, and patient perspective: an integrative review. Rev Gaucha Enferm. 2020;41:e20190340.

16 Masthoff M, Schneider KN, Schindler P, Heindel W, Köhler M, Schlüchtermann J, et al. Value improvement by assessing IR Care via Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 202;32(2):262-269.

17 Barros LB, Bassi LC, Caldas LP, Sarantopoulos A, Zeferino EBB, Minatogawa V, Gasparino RC. Lean healthcare tools for processes evaluation: an integrative review. Int J Environ Res Public. 2021;18(14):7389.

18 Ma H, Cao J, Li M. Application of PDCA Process Management in Day Operation Ward and the Influence of Nursing Quality and Safety. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;2022:8169963.
-1919 Ying J, Wang H, Ye H, Du C, Mao L. The supervision and management mode of disinfection supply center improves the standardization of sterile goods management in clinical departments. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;6916212.
) were published in the English language, two with complete translation into Portuguese, according to Chart 1. Studies in journals from the United States of America (50.0%) and Brazil (20.0%) predominated. The years of greatest publication corresponded to 2020 (30.0%), 2021 (20.0%) and 2022 (30.0%).

Chart 1
Characterization of the 10 articles included in the integrative review according to citation, title, year, country and journal, 2023

It was found that, although all articles in the sample relate Lean methodology application to the impact on financial aspects, through process improvement and waste reduction, not all of them effectively demonstrated the associated financial gains. Therefore, to provide greater visibility to the results obtained, they will be presented below in three charts: Chart 2 - Benefits/barriers to Lean Healthcare implementation(77 Brancalion FNM, Lima AFC. Process-based Management aimed at improving health care and financial results. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2022;56:e20210333.
,1111 Flynn R, Newton AS, Rotter T, Hartfield D, Walton S, Fiander M, et al. The sustainability of Lean in pediatric healthcare: a realist review. Syst Rev. 2018;7(1):137.
,1515 Fernandes HMLG, Jesus MVN, Silva DD, Guirardello EB. Lean Healthcare in the institutional, professional, and patient perspective: an integrative review. Rev Gaucha Enferm. 2020;41:e20190340.
); Chart 3 - Economic aspects involving Lean Healthcare implementation(1212 von Eiff MC, von Eiff W, Roth A, Ghanem M. Process optimization in total knee arthroplasty procedures: impact of size-specific instrument sets on costs and revenue. Orthopade. 2019;48(11):963-8.
,1414 Squeo GC, Lattimore CM, Simone NL, Suralik G, Dutta SW, Schad MD, et al. A comparative study using time-driven activity-based costing in single-fraction breast high-dose rate brachytherapy: an integrated brachytherapy suite vs. decentralized workflow. Brachyther. 2022;21(3):334-40.
,1616 Masthoff M, Schneider KN, Schindler P, Heindel W, Köhler M, Schlüchtermann J, et al. Value improvement by assessing IR Care via Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 202;32(2):262-269.
); and Chart 4 - Process improvements through Lean Healthcare implementation(1313 Wang H, Bilbao MS, Miller SL, O'Donnell CT, Boyd JH. Endoscopic radial artery harvesting during anesthesia line placement reduces the time and cost of multivessel coronary artery bypass grafting. Innovations (Phila). 2020;15(1):43-50.
,1717 Barros LB, Bassi LC, Caldas LP, Sarantopoulos A, Zeferino EBB, Minatogawa V, Gasparino RC. Lean healthcare tools for processes evaluation: an integrative review. Int J Environ Res Public. 2021;18(14):7389.

18 Ma H, Cao J, Li M. Application of PDCA Process Management in Day Operation Ward and the Influence of Nursing Quality and Safety. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;2022:8169963.
-1919 Ying J, Wang H, Ye H, Du C, Mao L. The supervision and management mode of disinfection supply center improves the standardization of sterile goods management in clinical departments. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;6916212.

Chart 2
Distribution of articles highlighting benefits/barriers to Lean Healthcare implementation according to citation, objective, design, outcomes and conclusions/recommendations, 2023
Chart 3
Distribution of articles highlighting economic aspects involving Lean Healthcare implementation according to citation, objective, design, outcomes and conclusions/recommendations, 2023
Chart 4
Distribution of articles showing process improvements through Lean Healthcare implementation according to citation, objective, design, outcomes and conclusions/recommendations, 2023


The analysis of the sample studies of this integrative review showed the use of Lean methodology in applied research(1212 von Eiff MC, von Eiff W, Roth A, Ghanem M. Process optimization in total knee arthroplasty procedures: impact of size-specific instrument sets on costs and revenue. Orthopade. 2019;48(11):963-8.

13 Wang H, Bilbao MS, Miller SL, O'Donnell CT, Boyd JH. Endoscopic radial artery harvesting during anesthesia line placement reduces the time and cost of multivessel coronary artery bypass grafting. Innovations (Phila). 2020;15(1):43-50.
-1414 Squeo GC, Lattimore CM, Simone NL, Suralik G, Dutta SW, Schad MD, et al. A comparative study using time-driven activity-based costing in single-fraction breast high-dose rate brachytherapy: an integrated brachytherapy suite vs. decentralized workflow. Brachyther. 2022;21(3):334-40.
,1616 Masthoff M, Schneider KN, Schindler P, Heindel W, Köhler M, Schlüchtermann J, et al. Value improvement by assessing IR Care via Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 202;32(2):262-269.
,1818 Ma H, Cao J, Li M. Application of PDCA Process Management in Day Operation Ward and the Influence of Nursing Quality and Safety. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;2022:8169963.
-1919 Ying J, Wang H, Ye H, Du C, Mao L. The supervision and management mode of disinfection supply center improves the standardization of sterile goods management in clinical departments. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;6916212.
) linked to university hospitals, places where the teaching, research and care tripod predominates. Interventions, that contribute to improving the efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness of the health services provided, which underlie the training of human resources and favor the conduct of health research using available, but not unlimited, resources, are needed.

Among the studies, 50.0% were published in American journals, however, when analyzing the countries that carried out the six (100.0%) applied research(1212 von Eiff MC, von Eiff W, Roth A, Ghanem M. Process optimization in total knee arthroplasty procedures: impact of size-specific instrument sets on costs and revenue. Orthopade. 2019;48(11):963-8.

13 Wang H, Bilbao MS, Miller SL, O'Donnell CT, Boyd JH. Endoscopic radial artery harvesting during anesthesia line placement reduces the time and cost of multivessel coronary artery bypass grafting. Innovations (Phila). 2020;15(1):43-50.
-1414 Squeo GC, Lattimore CM, Simone NL, Suralik G, Dutta SW, Schad MD, et al. A comparative study using time-driven activity-based costing in single-fraction breast high-dose rate brachytherapy: an integrated brachytherapy suite vs. decentralized workflow. Brachyther. 2022;21(3):334-40.
,1616 Masthoff M, Schneider KN, Schindler P, Heindel W, Köhler M, Schlüchtermann J, et al. Value improvement by assessing IR Care via Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 202;32(2):262-269.
,1818 Ma H, Cao J, Li M. Application of PDCA Process Management in Day Operation Ward and the Influence of Nursing Quality and Safety. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;2022:8169963.
-1919 Ying J, Wang H, Ye H, Du C, Mao L. The supervision and management mode of disinfection supply center improves the standardization of sterile goods management in clinical departments. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;6916212.
), its geographic distribution was verified, with two (33.3%) conducted in China, two (33.3%) in Germany (33.3%) and two (33.3%) in the USA (33.3% ). In 90.0% of these studies, interventions were implemented in surgical units and 10% in units with a direct interface to them, in this case, MSC.

It is noteworthy that SC is considered one of the most complex and costly units, as it requires high technology to make procedures viable, in a hospital organization. Professionals who work in this unit need to develop skills to improve management processes, with the perspective of increasing and rationalizing the financial resources required.

A study(2020 Martins KN, Bueno AA, Mazoni SR, Machado VB, Evangelista RA, Bolina AF. Processo gerencial em centro cirúrgico sob a ótica de enfermeiros. Acta Paul Enferm. 2021;34:eAPE00753.
) carried out with nurses working in SC identified the essential competencies for nursing professionals in this area. One of the aspects highlighted was assertiveness in communication flow, including strategic meetings between the team to discuss, plan and assess work processes. With the aim of articulating administrative and clinical spheres, as well as strengthening the culture of cooperation and collaboration, this management model, admittedly, consists of a tool to qualify the care provided.

The findings of the aforementioned study(2020 Martins KN, Bueno AA, Mazoni SR, Machado VB, Evangelista RA, Bolina AF. Processo gerencial em centro cirúrgico sob a ótica de enfermeiros. Acta Paul Enferm. 2021;34:eAPE00753.
) are corroborated by the study(1111 Flynn R, Newton AS, Rotter T, Hartfield D, Walton S, Fiander M, et al. The sustainability of Lean in pediatric healthcare: a realist review. Syst Rev. 2018;7(1):137.
), which demonstrated the importance of engagement and alignment of people’s and the organization’s values with Lean methodology’s values, aiming to provide participatory management with greater involvement of workers in decision-making processes(1515 Fernandes HMLG, Jesus MVN, Silva DD, Guirardello EB. Lean Healthcare in the institutional, professional, and patient perspective: an integrative review. Rev Gaucha Enferm. 2020;41:e20190340.
), without losing sight of the strategic map and organizational goals.

From this perspective, Lean methodology adoption makes the use of strategic, tactical and operational indicators crucial, as it requires a clear definition of the objectives and goals to be achieved, with systematic and continuous measurements. Strategic map integration with this methodology enables a systemic view of the institution by identifying weaknesses and points that can be improved, seeking sustainability based on results indicators, with gains in the small, medium and long term(77 Brancalion FNM, Lima AFC. Process-based Management aimed at improving health care and financial results. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2022;56:e20210333.

Results related to savings and earnings, predictors of Lean interventions, were only reported in three studies(1212 von Eiff MC, von Eiff W, Roth A, Ghanem M. Process optimization in total knee arthroplasty procedures: impact of size-specific instrument sets on costs and revenue. Orthopade. 2019;48(11):963-8.
,1414 Squeo GC, Lattimore CM, Simone NL, Suralik G, Dutta SW, Schad MD, et al. A comparative study using time-driven activity-based costing in single-fraction breast high-dose rate brachytherapy: an integrated brachytherapy suite vs. decentralized workflow. Brachyther. 2022;21(3):334-40.
,1616 Masthoff M, Schneider KN, Schindler P, Heindel W, Köhler M, Schlüchtermann J, et al. Value improvement by assessing IR Care via Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 202;32(2):262-269.
). Two studies(1212 von Eiff MC, von Eiff W, Roth A, Ghanem M. Process optimization in total knee arthroplasty procedures: impact of size-specific instrument sets on costs and revenue. Orthopade. 2019;48(11):963-8.
,1414 Squeo GC, Lattimore CM, Simone NL, Suralik G, Dutta SW, Schad MD, et al. A comparative study using time-driven activity-based costing in single-fraction breast high-dose rate brachytherapy: an integrated brachytherapy suite vs. decentralized workflow. Brachyther. 2022;21(3):334-40.
), which had evidence of correlation with economic aspects, were carried out in SC, with variables linked to the general work process, but both present limitations regarding the techniques used by medical professionals, denoting a hypothetical barrier in action sustainability, since the results obtained were linked to people and not to processes. One of these studies(1414 Squeo GC, Lattimore CM, Simone NL, Suralik G, Dutta SW, Schad MD, et al. A comparative study using time-driven activity-based costing in single-fraction breast high-dose rate brachytherapy: an integrated brachytherapy suite vs. decentralized workflow. Brachyther. 2022;21(3):334-40.
), despite demonstrating that Lean methodology application, as a change in the work process, generated financial burden, highlighted that it could be balanced when related to customer satisfaction.

Among the studies analyzed, there was no evidence of measuring the results of customer satisfaction, team satisfaction or engagement levels. Thus, a systematic review(2121 Tlapa D, Tortorella G, Fogliatto F, Kumar M, Mac Cawley A, Vassolo R, et al. Efeitos das Intervenções Lean Suportadas por Tecnologias Digitais nos Serviços de Saúde: uma revisão sistemática. J Int Pesqui Amb Saúde Pública [Internet]. 2022[cited 2023 Sep 19];19:9018. Available from:
), conducted in 2022, reflected on the need for studies with Lean methodology supported by digital technologies in health services, through computerized systems, such as automation, simulation, real-time location system, telemedicine, machine learning, among others. It indicated that, with the digital transformation experienced in recent years, there has been an exponential growth in data, and digital technologies are already being used to carry out descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analyzes. Machine learning has been used to predict resource needs, treatment outcomes, and readmission patterns. Medication dispensing can now be carried out through automated distribution, with surgical methods being carried out using robotics, ultraviolet disinfection systems carried out by robots to prevent infection, consisting of technological improvements that are gradually becoming part of the realities(2121 Tlapa D, Tortorella G, Fogliatto F, Kumar M, Mac Cawley A, Vassolo R, et al. Efeitos das Intervenções Lean Suportadas por Tecnologias Digitais nos Serviços de Saúde: uma revisão sistemática. J Int Pesqui Amb Saúde Pública [Internet]. 2022[cited 2023 Sep 19];19:9018. Available from:
). The analysis of the ten articles(77 Brancalion FNM, Lima AFC. Process-based Management aimed at improving health care and financial results. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2022;56:e20210333.
,1111 Flynn R, Newton AS, Rotter T, Hartfield D, Walton S, Fiander M, et al. The sustainability of Lean in pediatric healthcare: a realist review. Syst Rev. 2018;7(1):137.

12 von Eiff MC, von Eiff W, Roth A, Ghanem M. Process optimization in total knee arthroplasty procedures: impact of size-specific instrument sets on costs and revenue. Orthopade. 2019;48(11):963-8.

13 Wang H, Bilbao MS, Miller SL, O'Donnell CT, Boyd JH. Endoscopic radial artery harvesting during anesthesia line placement reduces the time and cost of multivessel coronary artery bypass grafting. Innovations (Phila). 2020;15(1):43-50.

14 Squeo GC, Lattimore CM, Simone NL, Suralik G, Dutta SW, Schad MD, et al. A comparative study using time-driven activity-based costing in single-fraction breast high-dose rate brachytherapy: an integrated brachytherapy suite vs. decentralized workflow. Brachyther. 2022;21(3):334-40.

15 Fernandes HMLG, Jesus MVN, Silva DD, Guirardello EB. Lean Healthcare in the institutional, professional, and patient perspective: an integrative review. Rev Gaucha Enferm. 2020;41:e20190340.

16 Masthoff M, Schneider KN, Schindler P, Heindel W, Köhler M, Schlüchtermann J, et al. Value improvement by assessing IR Care via Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 202;32(2):262-269.

17 Barros LB, Bassi LC, Caldas LP, Sarantopoulos A, Zeferino EBB, Minatogawa V, Gasparino RC. Lean healthcare tools for processes evaluation: an integrative review. Int J Environ Res Public. 2021;18(14):7389.

18 Ma H, Cao J, Li M. Application of PDCA Process Management in Day Operation Ward and the Influence of Nursing Quality and Safety. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;2022:8169963.
-1919 Ying J, Wang H, Ye H, Du C, Mao L. The supervision and management mode of disinfection supply center improves the standardization of sterile goods management in clinical departments. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;6916212.
) demonstrates that the interventions were related to mechanical actions in the work process, with no use of digital technologies being found.

It is worth emphasizing that the Lean philosophy does not dispense with scientifically based participatory management, which can bring intangible benefits to the quality of the work processes of healthcare teams. Quality science offers valuable paths for managing the hostility that inspections, awards and punishments can generate, and it is important that this topic integrates health team professional and manager training(2222 Berwick DM. Era 3 for medicine and health care JAMA. 2016;315(13):1329-30.

Among the studies analyzed, three corresponded to review articles(1111 Flynn R, Newton AS, Rotter T, Hartfield D, Walton S, Fiander M, et al. The sustainability of Lean in pediatric healthcare: a realist review. Syst Rev. 2018;7(1):137.
,1515 Fernandes HMLG, Jesus MVN, Silva DD, Guirardello EB. Lean Healthcare in the institutional, professional, and patient perspective: an integrative review. Rev Gaucha Enferm. 2020;41:e20190340.
,1717 Barros LB, Bassi LC, Caldas LP, Sarantopoulos A, Zeferino EBB, Minatogawa V, Gasparino RC. Lean healthcare tools for processes evaluation: an integrative review. Int J Environ Res Public. 2021;18(14):7389.
), which assessed the Lean tools used in research(1717 Barros LB, Bassi LC, Caldas LP, Sarantopoulos A, Zeferino EBB, Minatogawa V, Gasparino RC. Lean healthcare tools for processes evaluation: an integrative review. Int J Environ Res Public. 2021;18(14):7389.
), the results after implementing Lean methodology(1616 Masthoff M, Schneider KN, Schindler P, Heindel W, Köhler M, Schlüchtermann J, et al. Value improvement by assessing IR Care via Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 202;32(2):262-269.
) and its sustainability(1111 Flynn R, Newton AS, Rotter T, Hartfield D, Walton S, Fiander M, et al. The sustainability of Lean in pediatric healthcare: a realist review. Syst Rev. 2018;7(1):137.
). In this integrative review, it was found that the Lean methodology can bring benefits to organizations(77 Brancalion FNM, Lima AFC. Process-based Management aimed at improving health care and financial results. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2022;56:e20210333.
,1515 Fernandes HMLG, Jesus MVN, Silva DD, Guirardello EB. Lean Healthcare in the institutional, professional, and patient perspective: an integrative review. Rev Gaucha Enferm. 2020;41:e20190340.
), and is associated with process improvements, waste reduction, increased efficiency and productivity, improvement in service quality(1313 Wang H, Bilbao MS, Miller SL, O'Donnell CT, Boyd JH. Endoscopic radial artery harvesting during anesthesia line placement reduces the time and cost of multivessel coronary artery bypass grafting. Innovations (Phila). 2020;15(1):43-50.
,1717 Barros LB, Bassi LC, Caldas LP, Sarantopoulos A, Zeferino EBB, Minatogawa V, Gasparino RC. Lean healthcare tools for processes evaluation: an integrative review. Int J Environ Res Public. 2021;18(14):7389.

18 Ma H, Cao J, Li M. Application of PDCA Process Management in Day Operation Ward and the Influence of Nursing Quality and Safety. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;2022:8169963.
-1919 Ying J, Wang H, Ye H, Du C, Mao L. The supervision and management mode of disinfection supply center improves the standardization of sterile goods management in clinical departments. Comput Math Methods Med. 2022;6916212.
), contributing favorably to economic aspects(1212 von Eiff MC, von Eiff W, Roth A, Ghanem M. Process optimization in total knee arthroplasty procedures: impact of size-specific instrument sets on costs and revenue. Orthopade. 2019;48(11):963-8.
,1616 Masthoff M, Schneider KN, Schindler P, Heindel W, Köhler M, Schlüchtermann J, et al. Value improvement by assessing IR Care via Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 202;32(2):262-269.

Three articles(1111 Flynn R, Newton AS, Rotter T, Hartfield D, Walton S, Fiander M, et al. The sustainability of Lean in pediatric healthcare: a realist review. Syst Rev. 2018;7(1):137.
,1515 Fernandes HMLG, Jesus MVN, Silva DD, Guirardello EB. Lean Healthcare in the institutional, professional, and patient perspective: an integrative review. Rev Gaucha Enferm. 2020;41:e20190340.
,1717 Barros LB, Bassi LC, Caldas LP, Sarantopoulos A, Zeferino EBB, Minatogawa V, Gasparino RC. Lean healthcare tools for processes evaluation: an integrative review. Int J Environ Res Public. 2021;18(14):7389.
) presented outcomes that correlated the Lean methodology’s success or failure to behavioral attitudes, whether of the team or leadership. Given this context, the lack of clarity regarding its implementation to overcome the barrier of local units and materialize, in a sustainable manner, as a management philosophy at all hierarchical levels becomes evident. In this regard, one of the challenges of adopting the Lean method is employees’ resistance in relation to change strategies, demanding the breaking of institutional paradigms, through process changes, changing culture, working with systemic objectives, team engagement and continuous improvement(1010 Aromataris E, Munn Z (Editors). JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis. JBI. 2020.
). Thus, this method can be implemented in a sustainable way aiming at the continuous improvement of work processes in health and nursing, with favorable repercussions on associated costs.

Study limitations

As a limitation of this study, only the use of free access articles is indicated, which may have had an impact on sample size.

Contributions to nursing, health or public policies

This study demonstrated that Lean methodology has been widely disseminated to identify value for end customers and eliminate losses. Its application, adapted to health services, has been the object of study in different realities. It involves mapping the value chain and disseminating philosophy at all hierarchical levels, bringing together senior management professionals (strategic level) and front-line professionals (operational level) working with patients.


In this integrative review, based on the analysis of ten articles, it was found that only three of them effectively investigated the financial aspects associated with Lean methodology application. The others only mentioned the possibility of financial gains through process improvements and waste reduction.

For future studies, research related to direct labor cost reduction in different contexts of health service provision is suggested, through improvement implementation in work processes using Lean methodology.

    This work was carried out with support from the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico).


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Edited by

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Antonio José de Almeida Filho
ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Alexandre Balsanelli

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 May 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Nov 2023
  • Accepted
    08 Dec 2023
Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem SGA Norte Quadra 603 Conj. "B" - Av. L2 Norte 70830-102 Brasília, DF, Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 3226-0653, Fax: (55 61) 3225-4473 - Brasília - DF - Brazil