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Entrepreneurship and startups in Brazil: perspectives on research

This issue of the journal Cadernos EBAPE.BR presents a collection of themes. One article addresses Philosophy and Administration by analyzing the contributions of Jürgen Habermas to social management; another by Enrique Dussel presents the Philosophy of Liberation. This issue also publishes a critical study on consumption in Brazil, and a work discussing the various aspects under which entrepreneurship is addressed in Brazilian scientific journals in the field of Administration.

Another interesting publication in this issue is related to the construction of business administration as an area of ​​knowledge in Brazil. It is a study discussing the grades assigned to graduate programs whose degree enables the student to pursue an academic career (stricto sensu), in the evaluation system by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes). Finally, this issue presents studies about sustainability and new technology in the information age and a study about a group of mothers and their social identity.

This edition is consistent with the tradition of Cadernos EBAPE.BR of presenting several theoretical currents, democratically, and publishes topics such as social inclusion, social justice, identity, critical studies and analytical reflections on the improvement of research and the construction of the area of ​​knowledge of Business Administration.

In addition to theoretical essays and studies on the topics indicated, this edition brings a study on entrepreneurship, a fundamental theme in Brazil, where thousands of companies are created every year.

In a recent study conducted at the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EBAPE) on the causes of organizational decline and the possible ways to overcome it, the author Claudio Natale Corno (2018CORNO, N. C. Uma análise da percepção de empresários sobre os fatores motivadores do insucesso de suas companhias. 2018. Dissertação (Mestrado Executivo em Gestão Empresarial) - FGV EBAPE, Rio de Janeiro, 2018.), advised by Prof. Dr. Álvaro Bruno Cyrino, explores the data of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) to show that Brazil currently has 4.5 million companies, mostly small and medium-sized, proving the Brazilian people’s inclination for entrepreneurship. However, the average life expectancy of Brazilian companies (including large corporations) is 11 years. The study indicates that there are only 13 companies in operation in Brazil that were founded before the end of the 19th century, among them the Brazilian mint (Casa da Moeda do Brasil) (1694) and the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo (1875).

The study by Claudio Natale Corno (2018CORNO, N. C. Uma análise da percepção de empresários sobre os fatores motivadores do insucesso de suas companhias. 2018. Dissertação (Mestrado Executivo em Gestão Empresarial) - FGV EBAPE, Rio de Janeiro, 2018.) shows that, according to statistics from the Central Business Registers (Cempre), of the small and medium-sized companies created in 2010, only 38% survived by 2015 - given the economic crisis during this period.

Many authors have studied the causes of corporate bankruptcy precisely to avoid this fact, and educational institutions such as Harvard University have conducted several case studies to understand the causes and to avoid organizational decline.

The concept of organizational resilience proves to be essential in this scenario because it is related to reinventing the company in a new level of organizational complexity, whether to overcome economic crises or face technological breakthroughs. Cadernos EBAPE.BR recognized the relevance of organizational resilience in September 2017, when the journal published a special issue (volume 15) on the theme. The issue was opened with the article “Post-bureaucratic organizations and organizational resilience: institutionalization of more substantive forms of communication in working relations,” by Isabella Francisca Freitas Gouveia de Vasconcelos, Alvaro Bruno Cyrino, Leonardo Araújo de Carvalho and Lucas Martins d’Oliveira, and presented other nine articles (some of them theoretical essays), dedicated to understanding the concept. In the issue, among other definitions, organization resilience was portrayed as the capacity of the organization to overcome the crisis and successfully cope with disruptions, reinventing and recreating itself in a new level of complexity.

Authors such as Henry Mintzberg (1994), well-known because of his work on organizational forms (particularly adhocracy), have reflected on the theme of economic disruption and technological complexity. It is the case also of Charles Heckscher (2007HECKSCHER, C. The Collaborative Enterprise: Managing Speed and Complexity in Knowledge-Based Businesses. Yale: Yale University Press, 2007. 360p.), who studies what kind of organization and interaction at work would be adapted to the characteristics of the current times. He addresses this topic in the works “The Collaborative Enterprise: Managing Speed and Complexity in Knowledge-Based Businesses” (HECKSCHER, 2007HECKSCHER, C. The Collaborative Enterprise: Managing Speed and Complexity in Knowledge-Based Businesses. Yale: Yale University Press, 2007. 360p.) and “The Post-Bureaucratic Organization: New Perspectives on Organizational Change” (HECKSCHER and DONNELLON, 1994HECKSCHER, C.; DONNELLON, A. The Post-Bureaucratic Organization: New Perspectives on Organizational Change. New York: SAGE Publications, 1994.).

These studies propose new organizational designs and new forms of work as a way to help organizations to adapt and rethink, avoiding the organizational decline that is expected in times of turbulence and uncertainty such as the one we live today.

Using another perspective on these themes, a recent study conducted at FGV EBAPE by Ivandro de Almeida Oliveira (2018OLIVEIRA, I. A. A participação dos bancos em empresas não-financeiras, seus efeitos e a regulação no Brasil. 2018. Dissertação (Mestrado Executivo em Gestão Empresarial) - FGV EBAPE, Rio de Janeiro, 2018.) advised by Prof. Dr. Istvan Karoly Kasnar proposes the hypothesis that many companies (including large corporations) close the doors at an early stage because they focused on short-term earnings goals, in detriment to a long-term strategic vision.

On the impact of short-term goals in company’s sustainability, Oliveira (2018OLIVEIRA, I. A. A participação dos bancos em empresas não-financeiras, seus efeitos e a regulação no Brasil. 2018. Dissertação (Mestrado Executivo em Gestão Empresarial) - FGV EBAPE, Rio de Janeiro, 2018.) discusses the participation of financial firms in non-financial companies, showing that they can affect the segment strategy the companies would draw to compete in their markets, because of the financial firms’ emphasis on quick and short-term returns. By failing to focus on the long term, these companies may adversely affect the market in the long run, leading other companies that operate in the segment to follow them and potentially harming the development of a particular market and an entire country, when triggering a dynamic that could explain the decline of many organizations. Thus, Oliveira (2018) analyzes the regulatory mechanisms in Brazil and in other countries such as the United States, that hinder or prohibit the participation of financial firms in non-financial corporations.

Therefore, whatever the causes of organizational decline, this is a relevant research topic considering the current economic scenario where even in the sector of radical technological innovation, only 25% of Brazilian startups survive after 3 years of operation.

Several studies have been carried out in strategy and in organizations seeking to understand such economic scenarios and enabling companies to survive longer and have greater success. In this sense, article 3 of this edition draws a “map” of the main studies on entrepreneurship in Brazil.

We wish you a pleasant read!

PhD. Isabella F. Freitas Gouveia de Vasconcelos

PhD. Hélio Arthur Reis Irigaray



Article 1: “Discussing the ideological nature of the Habermasian theoretical guidelines and their assimilation by social management in the field of administration”, by Erik Persson and Luís Moretto Neto, presents a discuss of the ideological nature of Jürgen Habermas’ theoretical framework regarding his concept of public sphere within his deliberative democratic theory and its assimilation by social management in the field of administration.

Article 2: “A Post-Colonial Perspective on Consumerist Organizations in Brazil”, by Marcus Wilcox Hemais, presents a study from the postcolonial perspective, a point of view of the consumerist movement in Brazil that is not discussed in the literature on consumerism. Analyzes was performed on how and why Eurocentric patterns of consumer protection were incorporated into the movement and how the adoption of this model resulted in limited advances in consumer protection in the country.

Article 3: “Entrepreneurship research (2000-2014) in the top six Brazilian journals of administration: gaps and directions”, by Antonio Benedito de Oliveira Junior, Cristiane Chaves Gattaz, Roberto Carlos Bernardes and Edson Sadao Iizuka, analyzes a systematic review of entrepreneurship research published in the Top six Brazilian Journals of Administration (TBJA) - Revista de Administração de Empresas, Revista de Administração, Revista de Administração Contemporânea, Brazilian Journal of Public Administration, Brazilian Administration Review, and Organização & Sociedade, during the period 2000-2014. It aims to identify gaps and directions for Brazilian entrepreneurship research to become a relevant area within the field of Administration.

Article 4: “Enrique Dussel and the Philosophy of Liberation in Organization Studies”, by Felipe Fróes Couto and Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri, revisit in a didactic and non-exhaustive way, the main ideas of Enrique Dussel and his Philosophy of Liberation mostrando que the positive basis of this philosophy puts the challenge of breaking with the silence of the voices of the oppressed, exploited or victims who were not considered relevant agents in the construction of modern society (women, indigenous population, slaves, peasants, etc.). The Philosophy of Liberation is based on the concepts of Totality, Exteriority, Alienation, Mediation, Proximity and Liberation.

Article 5: “He who ignores the past is doomed to repeat it: distortions of postgraduate evaluation in Brazil based on Capes’ history”, by Roberto Patrus, Helena Belintani Shigaki and Douglas Cabral Dantas, brings some distortions in the Capes evaluation system, particularly in the area of Administration, Accounting and Tourism, starting from the history of Capes in Brazil. Through this analysis, it was possible to conclude that the change in the assignment of grades from 1 to 5 to 1 to 7 in the 1990s was not followed by a change in the Capes evaluation system, which still uses scores from 1 to 5 to evaluate the programs in each of their requirements.

Article 6: “The impact of the Brazilian institutional arrangement on political control over bureaucracy”, by Iana Alves de Lima, discusses which characteristics of the Brazilian political system hinder the political control over the bureaucracy and, consequently, hamper accountability in the country. Through a review of the literature on the topic and theoretical debate, we intend to investigate to what extent the institutions of Brazilian coalitional presidentialism facilitate or hinder bureaucratic control, which may impact the outcome of public policies.

Article 7: “The participation of cooperatives in housing public policies in Brazil and Uruguay”, by Raquel Gomes Valadares and Tiago Augusto da Cunha, shows the segregating economic policy and the inexistence or inefficiency of housing policies are aspects that deepen the social inequalities between the population in different income segments. Uruguay, through the so-called “Ley de Vivienda” (Housing Law), sought to solve the housing debasement by promoting the right to housing and regulating the insertion of cooperatives in access to public policies. The law allows property to be treated as a right, not just as property, and allows cooperatives to act in the planning, execution and administration of housing projects, a principle understood as self-management.

Article 8: “The consumption of technology as a structural element of identity: a theoretical and methodological discussion based on French Semiotics”, by Vitor Moura Lima and Luís Alexandre Grubits de Paula Pessôa, adopting the Consumer Culture Theory - CCT as a basis for the discussions, this theoretical essay aims to present discursive French Semiotics as a theoretical-methodological alternative for the study of the role of technology consumption in the process of consumer identity construction.

Article 9: “Identification of mechanisms for the increase of transparency in open data portals: an analysis in the Brazilian context”, by Rodrigo Hickmann Klein, Deisy Cristina Barbiero Klein and Edimara Mezzomo Luciano, shows an Open Government Data is the data made available free of charge by government entities and can be freely used, reused and redistributed by any person. The article analyze how the Open Government Data Portals need to address a number of mechanisms so that society can effectively discover, extract, and utilize the data.

Article 10: “Resistance to electronic surveillance: the response of call center team managers”, by Rômulo Andrade de Souza Neto, Anatália Saraiva Martins Ramos and Gabriela Figueiredo Dias, shows that managers’ responses to resistance to electronic surveillance in the workplace affects the behavior of resistance and its effects on organizations. However, there are few studies about managers’ responses to these behaviors and the following questions remain unanswered: How do managers respond to resistance to electronic surveillance in the workplace? Why do managers respond in this way? This study seeks to answer these questions in order to understand managers’ response to resistance to electronic surveillance in the workplace.

Article 11: “Influence of sustainability and innovation on the entrepreneurial intention of Brazilian and Portuguese university students”, by Luis Eduardo Brandão Paiva, Tereza Cristina Batista de Lima, Sílvia Maria Dias Pedro Rebouças, Eugénia Maria Dores Maia Ferreira and Raimundo Eduardo Silveira Fontenele, analyzes the influence of sustainable and innovative behavior on the entrepreneurial intention of Brazilian and Portuguese university students. It seeks to develop a model based on behavioral theory planned for entrepreneurial intention, in adaptive-innovation theory for innovative behavior and sustainability. An exploratory survey was conducted with university students from the Federal University of Ceará (Brazil) and the University of Algarve (Portugal).

Article 12: “Regulation as inductor of environmental technologies for the reduction of toxic emissions from light vehicles in Brazil”, by Orlando de Salvo Junior and Maria Tereza Saraiva de Souza, shows that in the last years, many countries have taken actions to reduce toxic emissions from cars and, especially, reduce risks to public health. Research indicates a statistically significant relationship between carbon monoxide (CO) and respiratory diseases. Regulations were vital to set targets and standards that fostered the technological improvement of automobiles. The goal of this research was to analyze the role of regulation as an inductor to automotive environmental technologies in the reduction of toxic emissions from light vehicles manufactured in Brazil.

Article 13: “Regulation as inductor of environmental technologies for the reduction of toxic emissions from light vehicles in Brazil”, by Tatiane Barleto Canizela Guimarães, Luciana Castro Gonçalves and Gláucia Maria Vasconcellos Vale, explores the relationship from the literature of community of practice and network of practice in an evolutionary process in a context of innovation, o artigo analysis of the knowledge and resources exchanges of the San Pedro Valley entrepreneur’s network, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. showing the evolutionary process of participation/reification that develops there, allows us to observe how an informal group emerges an inter-organizational community of practice, which is progressively transformed into a network of practice according to a continuum, where the practice co evolves together with the ecosystem that is reinforced.

Article 14: “Stress, retaliation and perception of injustice in organizations: proposal for an integrative theoretical model”, by Jesuína Maria Pereira Ferreira, Kely César Martins de Paiva, Jair Nascimento Santos and Michelle Regina Santana Dutra, has a purpose to advance the reflections on the phenomena stress, retaliation and perception of injustice, and through the analysis of their interrelations, propose an integrating theoretical model. The literature has shown that the perception of injustice can be considered as a variable prior to occupational stress being developed and, in turn, retaliation becomes effective. Thus, the perception of injustice is considered the connection between occupational stress and retaliation.

Article 15: “Interfaces between territoriality and identity: analyzing the experiences of mothers of the Maternati Group”, by Sara Fernandes Picheth and Priscilla Borgonhoni Chagas, analyzes the interfaces between territoriality and identity based on the experiences of mothers belonging to the Maternati - Support Group for Pregnant Women and Mothers of Maringa/PR. Busca-se compreender how identities are shaped by belonging to a territory. To this end, the authors mainly concern about the symbolic dimension of territory, focusing on the concepts of territoriality and identity and they adopt as a methodological strategy a single case study.


  • CORNO, N. C. Uma análise da percepção de empresários sobre os fatores motivadores do insucesso de suas companhias. 2018. Dissertação (Mestrado Executivo em Gestão Empresarial) - FGV EBAPE, Rio de Janeiro, 2018.
  • OLIVEIRA, I. A. A participação dos bancos em empresas não-financeiras, seus efeitos e a regulação no Brasil. 2018. Dissertação (Mestrado Executivo em Gestão Empresarial) - FGV EBAPE, Rio de Janeiro, 2018.
  • HECKSCHER, C. The Collaborative Enterprise: Managing Speed and Complexity in Knowledge-Based Businesses. Yale: Yale University Press, 2007. 360p.
  • HECKSCHER, C.; DONNELLON, A. The Post-Bureaucratic Organization: New Perspectives on Organizational Change. New York: SAGE Publications, 1994.
  • VASCONCELOS, I. F. F. G. et al. Organizações pós-burocráticas e resiliência organizacional: a institucionalização de formas de comunicação mais substantivas nas relações de trabalho. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, Rio de Janeiro, v. 15, n. esp., p. 377-389, jul. 2017. Disponível em: <Disponível em: >. Acesso em: 06 Nov. 2018.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Oct-Dec 2018
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2018
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas Rua Jornalista Orlando Dantas, 30 - sala 107, 22231-010 Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil, Tel.: (21) 3083-2731 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil