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Reaching 30 years on circulation in 2008, the Brazilian Horticulture Magazine-RBF, receives, as great prize, the indexation in the ISI of SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), which comes to complement the indexations already obtained in AGRIS, AGROBASE, CAB and SCIELO, where it is on line since 2001, with excellent indexes of visitations, that comes to corroborate with the A-national concept received among CAPES-QUALIS and that credits it to obtain the so wanted and deserved international A concept.

With excellent national penetration, receiving works of the horticulture area from all the Brazilian states, the RBF credits, every day, as the main journal of the Brazilian horticulture, with good international penetration, and in enlargement.

In a constant search for better quality, printed changes were introduced in the edition of April 2007 and, concerned in to be opened to the crescent number of works received, starting in 2008; the RBF will become to be published every three month.

In the search for larger international penetration, we reformulated and we enlarged the Associated Editors board, that became to be constituted by international technicians, having recognized penetration in the area and that will help us in the conquest of that objective. Another related point to this intended conquest, was the publication of international authors' revisions, with recognized scientific merit.

The mentioned conquests fill us with pride and responsibility, and we already have for new goal the reduction in the time between the receiving of a work and its publication.

We want to share with our 890 advisors, who have the difficult mission of evaluating the most different works, and to whom are credited the main merits for the conquests of the RBF, because they work in the anonymity and beautifully, always caring for the excellence. Without them, RBF would never have reached the position that today occupies. To each one of them our more sincere gratefulness.

Those merits are also due to our Scientific Editors, that help us daily, trying to obtain necessary evaluations of two or three advisors for each received work, always using the blind double system, in other words, the authors and the advisors never know each other, compacting the advisors' opinions, and, whenever needed, rerouting and revaluing the new versions, as recommended by the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors -ABEC, where the RBF is affiliated since 2006. The results obtained during those 10 years that we are ahead of the RBF, indicate that we are in the right way. In the financial part, we also want to express our gratefulness to the treasurer, our friend Dr. José Fernando Durigan, which has been accompanying us since 1998.

Gratefulness are also due to those Institutions that always believed in the RBF, such as CNPq, Capes, FAPESP and SBF, financial partners of this project, and together with the received support from FCAV-UNESP, through the cession of physical dependences inside of its Campus.

We also want to express our gratefulness to the technical team of the RBF, which works integrated, from the attendance of the phone consultations to the final editorial business of each number, because, without the work of this team, we would not get the obtained results.

Finally, our more sincere gratefulness to the authors that had chosen the RBF as the vehicle to spread their arduous work. Those researchers that believe in our work and that, in 2007, until the first day of November, had already sent us 258 works give us the encouragement that we are tracking the right road, and that the search for improvement should be constant and uninterrupted.

To everyone, our sincere gratefulness and a Happy 2008.

Jaboticabal, December 31st, 2007.

Prof. Carlos Ruggiero


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 Feb 2008
  • Date of issue
Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura Via de acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n , 14884-900 Jaboticabal SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3209-7188/3209-7609 - Jaboticabal - SP - Brazil