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REBEn: new steps


REBEn: new steps

Jussara Gue Martini

REBEn's Scientific Editor and ABEn's Director of Publication and Social Communication Board for the 2007-2010 periods

Dear subscribers and collaborators of REBEn, I write you to share the satisfaction for being indicated to head this journal for the 2007-2010 periods. I take advantage to re-affirm my commitment for dedicating efforts for the maintenance of quality, in considering political research policies and the leading position that the Brazilian Nursing Association have in Brazilian scenario.

The effort to reach those goals and to overcome the challenges is pushed by the successful trajectory of REBEn and also by the constant desire to reach and keep the criteria and requirements of a high level editorial standard. The content and the quality of the published articles, the selection of the materials, the effort to include REBEn in main indexed databases allows greater visibility for the published articles. However, it requires greater responsibility of the authors, editorial board members and also the punctuality in periodicity.

In this seek, the agenda of priorities for the Directory of Publication and Social Communication Board for this period is drawn, among them the utilization of the Electronic Submission Module available in SciELO. This system will enhance the editorial process attending authors and reviewers as well as the editors of REBEn, optimizing the interval time in submission, evaluation, reviewing and publication of the manuscripts. In addition, we addressed ways to amplify our editorial board to attend the new scientific demands of the Brazilian Nursing.

For the accomplishment of these goals, we established an editorial task force that is tuned with the orientation as promulgated by the normalizing and funding research institutions also the post-graduation programs across the country, in order to structure a logistical support for the process of edition and distribution of the journal, to implement the seek for new readers and sponsors in the line of renovation of quality.

In this issue, the reader will find a diversity of research articles produced by nurses, nursing students and researchers from different areas of the country. The articles are diverse in their procedence, but rich, relevant and current in their thematic approaches as well in their innovative methodological proposals and in the interpretation of their results. Such diversity allows us to perceive how much Brazilian Nursing have researched and produced.

We thank the Nursing scientific community, the editorial board members, the Publishing Committee and also to all REBEn's collaborator by the contributions along the improvement process of the journal. We also express our desire of continuing with the participation, support, and acknowledgment of you all. This involvement is essential to make REBEn a more valuable journal and so it can help in the dissemination of Nursing knowledge in national and international scope.

We are counting with your support and collaboration.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    07 May 2008
  • Date of issue
    Apr 2008
Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem SGA Norte Quadra 603 Conj. "B" - Av. L2 Norte 70830-102 Brasília, DF, Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 3226-0653, Fax: (55 61) 3225-4473 - Brasília - DF - Brazil