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About the journal


Brief history


Psico-USF is a publication and debate medium for scientific production in the field of Psychology and is linked to the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Psychology at the Universidade São Francisco under the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Evandro Moraes Peixoto and the associate editors Profa. Dra. Ana Paula Porto Noronha, Prof. Dr. Lucas de Francisco Carvalho, and Prof. Dra. Giselle Pianowski. Established in 1996, Psico-USF has been enhancing the already existing tradition at Universidade São Francisco, which has been publishing productions in the field of psychology in the form of periodicals since 1974. The first phase of the journal was named Klínica (1974-1982), then it was called Revista das Faculdades Franciscanas (1983-1984), and after a year, it changed its name to Revista de Psicologia (1985-1989). For five years (1990 to 1995), the journal was suspended, and from 1996 Psico-USF emerged with the purpose of serving as a forum for the presentation and dissemination of current research in the field of Psychology.





The journal Psico-USF's mission is the promotion of international scientific debate and the dissemination of ethical knowledge in the field of Psychology through multidisciplinary publications, focusing on psychological processes, psychological assessment, construction and validation of instruments, positive psychology, work and career processes, sports psychology, and other areas of scientific and social relevance in psychology.



Compliance with Open Science


The Psico-USF journal follows the open access model.

The Open Science movement establishes principles for conducting research in a collaborative, open, and publicly accessible manner. Following these principles, PsicoUSF implements several practices, including free access to articles. We also require clear attribution of responsibilities for each author in co-authored publications, as well as encourage the availability of research data, tools, statistical analysis scripts, protocols, and supplementary materials on open online repository platforms.

In line with the practices of open science, the journal offers authors and reviewers options for opening the peer review process, with or without identification of their names. Authors can grant permission for name disclosure at the time of article submission, and reviewers can do so when completing the Open Science Compliance Evaluation Form.

Furthermore, as a good practice of Open Science, the journal publishes the name of the Editor responsible for the manuscript's editorial process at the end of the manuscripts.

Form on compliance with Open Science.



Publication Ethics


The Psico-USF journal commits to following ethical aspects of publishing and, in case of allegations of unethical behavior, takes responsibility for investigating ethical breaches related to the journal and for making retractions, corrections, and clarifications. It also commits to maintaining the integrity of academic records and the data of authors and reviewers, as well as investigating fraudulent or plagiarized content.

Authors must declare that the research leading to the manuscript followed good ethical practices and that any necessary approvals from research ethics committees are described in the manuscript, when applicable. Additionally, they must present the detailed opinion of the Ethical Committee during the manuscript submission process.

All authors must declare their awareness of the content presented in the article as well as confirm its truthfulness and their substantial participation in the article's preparation.

The PsicoUSF journal supports COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) in promoting integrity in research and its publication.

The journal complies with guidelines for procedures in research involving human participants, such as the Helsinki Declaration (World Medical Association - WMA).



Focus and Scope


Psico-USF is a journal aimed at promoting the debate of scientific production in the field of Psychology. Our publications are multidisciplinary, focusing on psychological processes, psychological assessment, construction and validation of instruments, psychological assessment, construction and validation of instruments, positive psychology, work and career processes, sports psychology, and other areas of relevance to one or more aspects of psychology. Manuscripts with a strictly theoretical nature are not accepted. The purpose of the journal is to serve as a forum for the presentation and dissemination of current research in the field of Psychology and as a vehicle for the dissemination of knowledge to researchers, professionals, and others interested in the field.



Digital Preservation


This journal follows the standards defined in the Digital Preservation Policy program of the SciELO Program



Indexing Sources



Bibliographic Record

  • Journal Title: Psico-USF
  • Abbreviated Title: Psico-USF (Online)
  • Published by: Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Psicologia da Universidade São Francisco
  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • Publication Mode: Continuous Publication
  • Year of Journal Establishment: 1996



Editorial Policy




Following SciELO's recommendations, Psico-USF allows authors to submit manuscripts already published in preprint format. However, we request that authors specify this situation in the letter of submission.

According to SciELO's recommendations, the Psico-USF journal allows authors to make manuscripts submitted to the journal available in preprint format. To do this, authors must request preprint availability from the journal's editorial team. Moreover, the document to be made available must contain the following information on the first page of the manuscript:

Status: the preprint has been submitted for peer review in a journal.  

Manuscript Title: [insert]

Authors: [insert]

This preprint has been submitted under the following conditions:

  • The submitting author declares that all authors responsible for the manuscript's creation agree with this deposit.
  • The authors declare that they are aware they are solely responsible for the content of the preprint and that depositing it in SciELO Preprints does not imply any commitment on the part of SciELO, except for its preservation and dissemination.
  • The authors declare that the research that led to the manuscript followed good ethical practices and that any necessary research ethics committee approvals are described in the manuscript, where applicable.
  • The authors declare that the necessary Free and Informed Consent Terms from participants or patients in the research were obtained and are described in the manuscript, where applicable.
  • The authors declare that the preparation of the manuscript followed the ethical standards of scientific communication.
  • The authors declare that the manuscript has not been previously deposited and/or made available on another preprint server.
  • The authors declare that in case this manuscript has been previously submitted to a journal and is currently under evaluation, they have received consent from the journal to deposit it on the SciELO Preprints server.
  • The submitting author declares that the contributions of all authors are included in the manuscript.
  • The authors declare that if the manuscript is to be posted on the SciELO Preprints server, it will be available under a Creative Commons CC-BY license.
  • If the manuscript is in the process of review and publication by a journal, the authors declare that they have received authorization from the journal to make this deposit.

The deposited manuscript is in PDF format.



Peer review process


The peer review process involves the following steps:

Submissions are first evaluated by the Editorial Board, which may request reviews from members of the Advisory Board or ad hoc Consultants, at its discretion, provided there is no conflict of interest from the reviewers. The review process is confidential, protecting the identities of both authors and ad hoc reviewers. Reviews aim to be objective, critical, and constructive, striving for the betterment of the scientific information presented. After the reviewers' evaluations, a synthesis of the feedback is created by one of the editorial assistants, so that authors receive a summary of the reviewers' comments, which is the editor's responsibility.

An article may be accepted, accepted subject to revision, or rejected. If accepted subject to revisions, authors will be notified of the requested changes, and the revised work must be submitted via the online system within the maximum specified period. The revised article will be reassessed by one of the reviewers to determine if it has met the required conditions. In case of rejection with explicit justification, a new submission of the article is advised, based on the review recommendations.



Openness options

  • Double-blind peer review: in this mode, authors and reviewers do not know each other's identities.
  • Single-blind peer review: in this mode, authors disclose their identity, but reviewers remain anonymous.
  • Open peer review: in this mode, both authors and reviewers know each other's identities.

The standard review process adopted by the journal is double-blind. However, in the case of preprints, it is not possible to guarantee the anonymity of the authors, and therefore, the review may be single-blind or open.

We allow authors to request, at the time of submission, either single-blind or open review. However, in the case of opting for open review, we also need the selected reviewers for the manuscript to agree. If the reviewers do not agree with this mode, the process will be converted to single-blind review.



Open data


Authors must declare whether the data and materials used in the study are available and, if so, where they can be accessed. Authors are not required to share their data, materials, and codes, but we strongly suggest they do, reinforcing our commitment to the practices of open science and transparency in science.

The availability statement should be placed at the end of the methods section, specifying whether and where the data and materials are available or indicating that they are not available. For articles with quantitative analyses and simulations, authors should also state whether and where the codes used in the data analyses are available. We recommend the use of the Open Science Framework (OSF), but authors can deposit their materials in the repository of their choice.

Examples of statements:

  • All data have been made publicly available in [repository name] and can be accessed from [LINK].
  • The materials and codes for the analyses are available upon request by email to the corresponding author.
  • The materials and codes for the analyses are not available.
  • The codes for the analyses/simulations have been made publicly available in [repository name] and can be accessed from [LINK].

TOP Guidelines.

Research Data Citation Guide.

List of Recommended Repositories for Research Data Deposit.



Fee Charges


All articles published by Psico-USF are available for free for reading, downloading, and sharing on the website We emphasize that no fee is charged for the submission, processing, and publication of submitted manuscripts.

SciELO Statement on Financial Sustainability



Ethics Policy and Misconduct, Errata, and Retraction


In line with good practices for strengthening ethics in scientific publishing, PsicoUSF requires all authors to review content and declare their contributions at the end of the manuscript.

Articles already published in which misconduct is identified will remain published by PsicoUSF as a retracted article. In accordance with the Guide to Good Practices and the Guide for the recording and publishing of retractions.

Other cases where errors or failures, regardless of nature or origin, that do not constitute misconduct, are identified will be corrected through errata, in accordance with the Guide for the recording and publishing of Errata.



Policy on Conflict of Interest


Conflicts of interest can be personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial in nature. Conflicts of interest may arise when authors, reviewers, or editors have interests that could influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts. When submitting a manuscript, authors are responsible for acknowledging and disclosing financial or other conflicts of interest that may have influenced their work. Should there be a conflict of interest, even potentially, the author(s) must inform it in a dedicated document signed and attached to the submission platform. For more information, see: Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest.



Adoption of Similarity Verification Software


Manuscripts are subject to plagiarism checks and scrutiny for fraudulent data. This verification will occur at the end of the editorial evaluation process and, regardless of the outcomes indicated in the reports, if plagiarism or fraudulent data is found, the authors will be informed, and the manuscript will be immediately rejected and archived. Similarity checks will be conducted through the analysis of the manuscript using the CrossCheck similarity detection tool.



Sex and Gender Issues


The editorial team of the journal Psico-USF, as well as the authors who publish in the journal, must always observe the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Researc (Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER). The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of recommendations that guide the reporting of sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, and the results and interpretation of findings. Furthermore, the Psico-USF journal adheres to a gender equity policy in the formation of its editorial board.



Ethics Committee


Authors must attach a statement of approval from the ethics committee of the institution responsible for approving the research.





Authors of articles published by the PsicoUSF journal retain the copyrights to their works, licensing them under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows the articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, provided the original work is correctly cited.

Submitted manuscripts containing fragments from other publications should not exceed 500 words to ensure the originality of the submitted work. Authors are advised to avoid reproducing figures, tables, and drawings from other publications, and if not possible, the manuscript will only be forwarded for analysis if accompanied by written authorization from the copyright holder of the original work for reproduction in Psico-USF. Authors grant PsicoUSF journal the right of first publication.



Intellectual Property and Terms of Use


Site Responsibility:

All content of the journal and articles published by the PsicoUSF journal, except where otherwise specified, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license.

Author Responsibility:

Authors of articles published by the PsicoUSF journal retain copyright of their works, licensing them under a Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows the articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, provided the original work is correctly cited.

The content presented in the articles is the responsibility of the authors.

PsicoUSF encourages Authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, provided that a full citation to the journal's website version is included.



Sponsors and Funding Agencies


Universidade São Francisco - USF

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)

Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)




Editorial board






Associate Editors



Junior editor




Editorial Board



Advisory Board



Editorial Committee




Instructions for authors


Types of documents accepted:

  • Research Report: This should be an empirical investigation utilizing scientific methodology. The document should be between 20 to 30 pages, including the abstract, abstract in English (abstract), resumen (abstract in Spanish), figures, tables, and references. Required sections include Introduction, Method (Participants, Instruments, Procedures, Data Analysis), Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion combined), and Optional Concluding Remarks. If Results and Discussion are combined, Concluding Remarks become mandatory. The methodology and data analysis must reflect current strategies relevant to the field's development. The discussion should thoroughly reflect on the results based on the literature reviewed for the introduction. At least 35% of the references should be current, within five years from the submission date.
  • Literature Review: A minimally systematic literature survey offering a critical evaluation of the selected material. Authors must clearly define a problem, summarize prior research to inform the reader about the state of research, identify relations, contradictions, gaps, and/or inconsistencies in literature, and suggest new research steps to address identified problems. The manuscript should include Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion (with Concluding Remarks if Results and Discussion are combined). The scope of the review should be justified, spanning at least ten years, cover at least three relevant databases, and include English language sources. Detailed survey procedures must be conducted by at least two independent researchers, and the inclusion of a flow diagram, as seen on the PRISMA website, is suggested. The document length is between 20 to 30 pages, including all sections, figures, and tables.
  • Systematic Review (with or without Meta-analysis): A literature review using explicit scientific methods to minimize biases and synthesize all relevant studies to answer a specific question. It should detail search strategies, eligibility criteria, data extraction methods, tools, and criteria for quality assessment, risk of bias, and publication bias (the latter for meta-analysis). For meta-analyses, data analysis must be described in detail. The manuscript must include Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion (with Concluding Remarks if Results and Discussion are combined), and a Flow Diagram, available on the PRISMA website. Following best practice guidelines for systematic reviews is recommended. The length is between 20 to 30 pages, including all sections, figures, and tables.
  • Book Review: A synthesis and critical review of a work published recently (within the last three years), outlining its main features and potential applications. The limit is up to 5 pages.


- The page count starts from the abstract and ends on the page of the last table/figure presented.

- We accept articles published in the preprint format, as described in a previous section.



Author Contributions


If the article has more than 2 (two) authors, the contributions of each author in the conception of the research and in the drafting of the manuscript must be explicitly stated. The authors' contributions will be presented at the end of the manuscript. The Psico-USF journal suggests using the structure of the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CREDIT).



Manuscript Preparation and Article Submission Format


Formatting: Articles should be typed in double space (including references), in Times New Roman font, size 12, with a number of pages appropriate to the length of the article, and pages should be numbered starting from the first abstract page (which will be numbered as page 1). Pages should be A4 size, with top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm and left and right margins of 3 cm.

The presentation of the works should follow this order:


Title page with identification, containing:

  • Full title in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, should not exceed 12 words. The title must be relevant, clear, and can be creative, informing the reader about the objective of the article. It should not include names of cities, countries, or other geographical information.
  • Suggestion of abbreviated title for the header in the manuscript's original language, should not exceed 5 words.
  • Name of each of the authors and ORCID.
  • Institutional affiliation of each of the authors (include the name of the university, city, state, and country).
  • Optional footnote with acknowledgments and information about institutional or financial support granted to the project.
  • Footnote with postal address and email of the author with whom the reader can contact.
  • Indication of address for correspondence with the editor about the manuscript's processing, including email.
  • Information omitted in the text (if any). Example: Approval number of the Ethics Committee, Institution of the researchers, etc.
  • The authors' contributions (for papers with 2 or more authors) must be described (see the section on Author Contributions).


Title page without identification, containing only:

  • Full title in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, should not exceed 12 words. The title must be relevant, clear, and can be creative, informing the reader about the objective of the article. It should not include names of cities, countries, or other geographical information.
  • Suggestion of abbreviated title for the header in the manuscript's language, should not exceed 5 words.


Page containing Abstract, in Portuguese:

  • The abstract should not exceed 150 words for research reports and literature reviews (systematic or not). For reviews, the abstract is not necessary.
  • The abstract does not need to include information about the area's literature, nor references. The aim should be clear, informing, if appropriate, the problem, the method, and the study's hypotheses. For research reports, the method should offer brief information on the participants, instruments, and special procedures used. Only the most relevant results regarding the research objectives should be mentioned. The abstract of a critical review should include: topic addressed (in one sentence), objective, thesis or construct under analysis by the study organizer, sources used (for example, observations made by the author, published literature), and conclusion.
  • Provide, after the abstract, 3 to 5 keywords in the manuscript's original language, all starting with capital letters and separated by semicolons. To use more suitable descriptors, consult the BVS-Psi descriptors database, which can be accessed through the link:


Page containing abstract, in English, compatible with the original abstract text:

  • The abstract in English must follow the same specifications as the original abstract, followed by keywords compatible with the keywords in the original language.
  • Psico-USF magazine has, as a standard procedure, to conduct a final review of the abstract, reserving the right to correct it if necessary. This is a very important item of your work, as in case of publication, it will be available in all the journal's indexers.


Page containing abstract, in Spanish, compatible with the original abstract text:

  • The abstract in Spanish must follow the same specifications as the original abstract, followed by keywords compatible with the keywords in the original language.
  • Psico-USF magazine has, as a standard procedure, to conduct a final review of the abstract, reserving the right to correct it if necessary. This is a very important item of your work, as in case of publication, it will be available in all the journal's indexers.


Note: Each abstract must be on a separate sheet (not exceeding 150 words each), thus, there will be three pages of the complete file dedicated to abstracts in the respective languages.


Text Structure

  • Titles and subtitles must be present in all categories of original work. The text should have an easily recognizable organization, signaled by a system of titles and subtitles that reflect this organization. In the case of research reports, the text must mandatorily present: introduction, method, results, discussion, and final considerations, when appropriate. Manuscripts in other editorial categories should present titles and subtitles as appropriate to the case.
  • Footnotes: Should be avoided whenever possible. However, if there is no other possibility, they must be indicated by Arabic numerals in the text and inserted at the bottom of the page where they are indicated.


Digital Assets

  • Figures and Tables: The suggested locations for inserting figures and tables should be indicated in the text, and they should be presented after the References, one per page. The words "Figures" and "Tables," as they appear in the text, must always be capitalized and accompanied by their respective number. The guidelines do not include the denomination "Frames" or "Graphics," only "Tables" and "Figures.".
  • Figures: Figures should be presented with their respective captions and titles, one per page. Titles should be presented below the figures, always in lowercase letters. To ensure high-quality reproduction, figures containing drawings should be submitted in photographic quality. Do not produce graphic figures with intricate colors or patterns that may be confused with each other during the journal's layout. Since the published version cannot exceed a width of 8.3 cm for simple figures and 17.5 cm for complex figures, the author must ensure that they maintain visual quality if reduction is necessary.
  • Tables: Tables should preferably be prepared in MS Word and presented in black and white. Table titles should be placed at the top of the tables and should indicate the content in up to 15 words. The first letter of each word in the table title should be capitalized, while the rest should be lowercase. Do not use uppercase letters, bold, or italics within the table, which should not exceed 17.5 cm in width by 23.5 cm in length.


Citations and References:

  • Author citations. Author citations must be made according to the APA 7th edition guidelines, as exemplified in Section V. The names of all authors whose works are cited should be followed by the publication date, the first time they are cited in each paragraph. In the case of a direct quote, it should be enclosed in quotation marks, and the citation should include the page number cited. A direct quote of 40 or more words should be presented as a separate block of text, starting on a new line, indented 5 spaces from the margin, in the position of a new paragraph. The font size should be 12, as in the rest of the text. Do not use bold or italics in this section. Emphasis should be underlined.
  • Psico-USF recommends that authors review their text, paying attention to the connections between sections and the subtitles used. Single-sentence paragraphs should be avoided. We emphasize that the study's goal(s) must be clearly stated. Only works consulted and mentioned in the text should appear in the reference section.

Use double spacing and do not leave space between citations. References should be cited in alphabetical order by the authors' last names, which should not be replaced by dashes or hyphens. References should appear according to the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association - APA / 7th edition (2019). The examples provided indicate how to organize citations and references in the manuscript.


Examples of In-Text Citations

Multiple Author Texts:

Two authors: cite both names whenever the work is referenced in the text and accompanied by the date in parentheses. Use '&' when cited within parentheses (as shown below),

"The method proposed by Siqueland and Delucia (1969)", but "the method was initially proposed for the study of vision (Siqueland & Delucia, 1969)".

Three or more authors: cite only the last name of the first author followed by "et al." and the date.


Citing old or reissued works:

Cite the author and the original/consulted publication dates. For example: Freud (1911/1972).


Secondary citations - avoid their use as much as possible.

When citing an author from another consulted publication without using the original source. For example: Lipowiski (1984, as cited in Silva & Müller, 2007)...

In the references, only the consulted work should be cited (as shown below):

Silva, J. D. T., & Müller, M. C. (2007). Uma integração teórica entre psicossomática, stress e doenças crônicas de pele. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 24(2), 247-256.


Examples of References

Journal Article with DOI:

Turner, R. J., & Lloyd, D. A. (1999). The stress process and the social distribution of depression. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 40(4), 374-405.


Journal Article without DOI:

Sillick, T. J., & Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self-esteem mediate between perceived early parental love and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 38-48.


Light, M. A., Light, I. H. (2008). The geographic expansion of Mexican immigration in the United States and its implications for local law enforcement. Law enforcement Executive Forum Journal, 8(1), 73-82.


Journal Article in Press:

Indicate, in place of the date, that the article is "in press." Include the name of the journal in italics after the article title. Do not include the date, volume number, issue, or page numbers until the article is published. In the text, cite the article indicating, in parentheses, that it is "in press."

Barreta, J. P. F. (no prelo). O complexo de édipo em Winnicott e Lacan. Psicologia USP.


Book with single author:

Barros, L. (2003). Psicologia pediátrica: Perspectiva desenvolvimentista. Climepsi.


Book edited by an editor:

Pinto, A. M., & Silva, A. L. (Eds.). (2005). Stress e bem-estar: Modelos e domínios de aplicação. Climepsi.


Book Chapter:

Weiner, H. (1985). The concept of stress in the light of studies on disasters, unemployment and loss: A critical analysis. Em M. R. Zales (Ed.), Stress in health and disease (pp. 24-30). Brunner/Mazel.



Submission of Manuscripts


Manuscripts for publication in Psico-USF must be submitted exclusively via the online submission system at the following web address:



Supplementary Documents



The following documents must be attached to the online submission system: cover letter, submission checklist, author notes, identified cover sheet, and the article text in Times New Roman 12, without any information allowing author identification (except for the information on the identified cover sheet) in a .doc or .docx (Word) format file.

The cover letter containing the name(s) of the author(s), explicitly stating the intention to submit or resubmit the work for publication, must accompany any article submitted to the journal. The author(s) must ensure that there has been consent from the individuals involved in the samples of the work and that their privacy as well as the ethical procedures for research involving human subjects have been respected. It is recommended that authors consider the APA ethical guidelines to guide the preparation of their manuscripts. If the manuscript has already been published in preprint format, the authors must explicitly state this information in the submission letter. Additionally, the cover letter should include suggestions for reviewers.

Regarding the suggestion of reviewers: during the manuscript submission, the Psico-USF journal requests that authors indicate at least three potential reviewers who have the necessary expertise to evaluate the submitted text. The suggestions should include the full names, institutional affiliation, academic qualifications, and respective email addresses of the reviewers. The suggested reviewers must hold a Ph.D. degree and should be from institutions different from those to which the authors of the manuscript are affiliated. Along with the name and contact email of the suggested reviewers, three keywords related to the expertise of the potential reviewer should be provided.


The submission checklist should be downloaded by clicking HERE. This file must be filled out, signed, and uploaded to the submission system.


The author note should be presented in a separate file to be submitted in the system. This file should include a brief description (approximately 60 words) of the current activities of the author(s) and their background, the correspondence address to be published with the article, and the email and ORCID of all authors. The author note should also indicate the institution to which the authors are affiliated (including city, state, and country).

Note: For manuscripts accepted in the initial stages of evaluation, the revised version of the article, when applicable, should be submitted via the online system, in the "Revisions" field, within the stipulated deadline. The revised version must be accompanied by a letter to the editor indicating the revisions made in response to the review or providing theoretical or methodological justification for maintaining the text without changes.



Statement of Funding


We hereby declare the sources of support for this work, including the names of sponsors, contract numbers (if applicable), along with explanations of the role of these sources.



Additional Information


Authors: All authors must declare their awareness of the content presented in the article as well as confirm its accuracy and their substantial participation in the article's elaboration process. Authors must be available to make corrections to any possible errors identified during the manuscript evaluation process. The contents and statements contained in the works are the sole responsibility of the authors. Authors are responsible for ensuring that there is no information in the body of the manuscript that can identify them, therefore information about the name of the institution and specific ethics committee of any university, research groups, author identification, must be omitted from the file destined for blind review. Ethical procedures for research involving human subjects must be respected, including the non-identification of participants or researched institutions.

 Two important points about the authors:

- Assisting in maintaining the absence of costs in the editorial process of PsicoUSF, all authors commit to reviewing at least one article in the year of submission to the journal (this information should be included in the cover letter).

- Starting in 2023, we have established a limit on the number of articles that can be submitted by an author. The limit is two articles per year (regardless of the author's position in the author list). Any manuscript that exceeds this limit will be withdrawn from the editorial process.



Contact information


Universidade de São Francisco

Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Psicologia

R. Waldemar César da Silveira, 105, Vl. Cura D'Ars (SWIFT)

CEP: 13045-510, Campinas - São Paulo, Brasil

Phone: (19) 3779-3771




Universidade de São Francisco, Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Psicologia R. Waldemar César da Silveira, 105, Vl. Cura D'Ars (SWIFT), Campinas - São Paulo, CEP 13045-510, Telefone: (19)3779-3771 - Campinas - SP - Brazil