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About the Journal


Brief Background


The Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal (RBDPP - Brazilian Journal of Criminal Procedure) was created in 2015, related to the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Procedure (IBRASPP). As of 2017, there was a broad reformulation of its editorial policies, in order to become an open access journal with three editions per year. In order to contribute to scientific comunication in criminal justice, the RBDPP was consolidated with the adoption of consistent editorial and integrity parameters, inserting itself in the international scenario and in important indexes (Scopus, WoS, etc.). In 2020, its editor-in-chief, Vinicius Vasconcellos, received the Young Editor Jürgen Döbereiner Award from the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors. In 2022, RBDPP was cataloged in the Scielo collection.



Open Science Compliance 


The RBDPP follows the open Science Green model, allowing the deposit of previous (preprint and postprint) and final versions of the article by the author without embargo period or fees (APC), and adopts parameters in accordance with Open Science.

As of 2024, maintaining the four-monthly periodicity for closing the numbers, the RBDPP will adopt rolling publication, in order to release the articles as they are approved. Future issues will be opened simultaneously, at the discretion of the editorial team, and published articles will be allocated by editorial decision, prioritizing the approval date and other RBDPP publication criteria.



Ethics in Publication


The Brazilian Journal of Criminal Procedure has as main objective the production of consistent scientific knowledge, based on an editorial process of control, evaluation and review of the papers guided by scientific and integrity parameters in conformity with national and international bodies and institutions related to scientific editing and publishing. The guidelines of the following organs are used as guides to the editorial process:



Focus and Scope

  The Brazilian Journal of Criminal Procedure aims to publish scientific papers on issues involving the criminal procedure, encouraging the dialogue with other areas of law and the various fields of knowledge related to criminal sciences.  


Digital Preservation

  The RBDPP takes measures to ensure the preservation of its publications and archives. Monthly backup is performed on Google Drive online server and automatic preservation in the LOCKSS system (PKP-PLN) and Cariniana network. Furthermore, published papers are stored in repositories such as Dialnet, HeinOnline and IBCCRIM Library.  


Indexing Sources



Bibliographic Journal Information

  • Journal title: Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal
  • Short title: Rev. Bras. Direito Processual Penal
  • Edited by: Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual Penal
  • Frequency: quadrimestral
  • Publication type: Rolling publication
  • Ano de criação do periódico: 2015


Websites and Social Media





Under the terms recommended by Scielo and COPE, in addition of those adopted in several scientific areas, the Brazilian Journal of Criminal Procedure authorizes and encourages the deposit of manuscripts on certified preprint and postprint servers, in order to increase publicity, transparency, and celerity in the dissemination of scientific research results. Therefore, the Brazilian Journal of Criminal Procedure authorizes the deposit of manuscripts as preprint and postprint, as long as in one of the following certified servers:



When submitting to Brazilian Journal of Criminal Procedure, the author must inform (in the field “comments to the editor” or by email) the deposit of the article as preprint. Also, the deposit of the postprint version must be communicated. Such data will be published at the end of the approved articles.


About it, see: VASCONCELLOS, V. G. de; DE-LORENZI, F. Editorial - Preprint e postprint em publicações científicas e no Direito: discussões e medidas para ciência aberta e divulgação de pesquisas.



Peer Review Process


RBDPP adopts a double-blind peer review evaluation system, preceded by desk review by the editorial team, which also consolidates the external evaluations of the reviewers together with the additional suggestions at the time of the preliminary decision. In the corrections rounds, the authors are not obligated to comply with all recommendations, but they must adequately motivate eventual refusals, which will be controlled by the editorial team. In any situation, the final decision about publishing the paper is made by the journal's editorial team. Editorial decisions are subject to appeal, which must be forwarded by e-mail and will be decided by the editor-in-chief, who might consult the editorial board.

Considering openness and transparency in peer review, at the end of each published article there is a table with all the dates of the editorial process and the identification of the editors involved. If authors and evaluators agree, the editorial team can facilitate direct interaction between these researchers to expand the improvements to the submitted article. In addition, excellent reviews can be published in the journal in the “scientific reviews” section. RBDPP authorizes the publication of the reviews by the evaluators in certification systems, such as Publons / Web of Science ResearcherID.

The approximate time for an editorial decision is 2-4 months in the case of articles that are rejected in preliminary control and approximately 4-6 months in the case of articles sent for peer review. This average time is calculated based on the dates of submission and final decision regarding publication. Exceptionally, times may be longer when there is a need to manage the editorial flow for comparative analysis of the quality, originality and potential impact of articles. In the case of approved articles, to guarantee the shortest possible time between approval and publication, RBDPP will adopt the rolling publication format.

About it:

VASCONCELLOS, V. G. de. Editorial: A função do periódico científico e do editor para a produção do conhecimento no Direito e nas ciências criminais.

VASCONCELLOS, V. G. de. Editorial: Controle por pares e a função do revisor – premissas e orientações para uma avaliação consistente.

VASCONCELLOS, V. G. de. Editorial: As rodadas de correções e a carta-resposta do autor à aprovação condicionada – sobre o controle e o aprimoramento dos artigos no processo editorial científico.



Open Data




  The RBDPP does not charge Article Processing Charges fees (APC).  


Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy


Complaints and suspicious of acts that violate the scientific integrity guidelines may be forwarded to and will be analyzed by the RPDPP editorial team, observing the right of the defense and the motivation of the decision, with possible application of the penalties provided, as retraction of the paper and communication to institutions associated with the authors.


The following punishments may, either alone or cumulatively, be imposed on those who are proven to be acting in violation of the editorial and scientific integrity guidelines: instructive notification on the issue; formal warning about conduct; publication of news or editorial on the issue; formal letter to the head of the author's or reviewer's department or funding agency suspension or exclusion of the evaluator or editor; formal retraction or withdraw of the published article; embargo for new submissions for a defined period; formal communication of the case to competent authorities for investigation.



Policy on Conflict of Interest

  When authors submit a manuscript, they are responsible for acknowledging and disclosing conflicts of interest that may have influenced their research. Authors must acknowledge in the manuscript all financial support for the paper and other financial or personal connections related to the research. For example, if the author acts as a legal referee (consultant), s/he must insert a footnote stating that the article was based on the position adopted in the opinion given in a specific case due to financial payment. The conflict of interest can be of a personal, commercial, political, academic or financial nature. Conflicts of interest may occur between authors, reviewers or editors.  


Adoption of similarity software and artificial intelligence


Plagiarism is prohibited (third party or self-plagiarism), and its control is done by manual searches (in Google) and through Turnitin, during the desk review and the peer review. The editorial team will carry out a qualitative analysis of the report and will verify the quotes of similarity indicated. Determined percentages are not adopted as a limit, but the marked sections are checked to verify possible similarities. If there are elements that indicate the considerable absence of due citation, the article will be preliminarily rejected. If similar excerpts can be corrected and there are no indications of misconduct, the article will be returned to the author for corrections.

Regarding the use of artificial intelligence tools (such as ChatGPT and others), in addition to the integrity and plagiarism parameters in general, the following guidelines are adopted: 1. artificial intelligence mechanisms (such as ChatGPT) do not meet the requirements for co-authorship; 2. Authors must declare (in the methodology or acknowledgments) the use of artificial intelligence mechanisms in writing the article and/or in other phases of scientific research; 3. Authors are responsible for errors, plagiarism and other bad practices that may occur in their research due to the use of artificial intelligence mechanisms.

About it, see: VASCONCELLOS, V. G. de. Editorial – Inteligência artificial e coautoria de trabalhos científicos: discussões sobre utilização de ChatGPT em pesquisa e redação científicas. Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal, v. 9, n. 3, 2023.



Gender and Sex Issues

  • RBDPP adopts a policy of inclusion and diversity, in order to encourage the use of inclusive language and diversity of bibliographic references:
  • The editorial team of the RBDPP, in addition to the authors who publish in the journal, must always observe the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER). The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of information about sex and gender in study design, data analysis, and results and interpretation of findings.
  • In addition, the RBDPP observes the gender equity policy in the formation of its editorial board and selection of reviewers


Ethics Committee

  When the paper uses data obtained through unpublished empirical research involving human beings (such as, for example, conducting interviews or questionnaires), the project must be analyzed by the ethics committee of the Education Institution to which the author is associated to. Such information must be expressed in the body of the article or in a footnote, identifying the ethics committee, the institution and the process number in which the respective project was approved.  



  The copyright of published articles belongs to the author, with the journal's rights to the first publication, printed and/or digital.  


Intellectual Property and Terms of Use


As of 2022, articles published in the RDPP are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. Articles published until 2021 adopted the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.



Sponsors and Promotion Agencies


Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual Penal (IBRASPP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)





Editorial Board





Associated editors



Assistant editors



Editorial Board





Instructions to Authors


Instructions to Authors


Submissions must be made through the journal's online system (OJS) at:


a) The articles should preferably have between 15 and 25 pages. Paragraphs must be justified. Spacing must not be used before or after paragraphs. Only unpublished and original articles (exclusively submitted to RBDPP) are accepted, except for invited authors and deposits of preprint versions on certified servers.


b) As font, use Times New Roman, size 12. Paragraphs must have 1.5 line spacing; top and bottom margins 2.0 cm and sides 3.0 cm. The paper size formatting must be A4.


c) Manuscripts can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, English or Italian. In any case, the title of the article, the abstract (up to 200 words) and three to five keywords must be indicated in the language of the article and in English.


d) Articles must contain specific items for introduction, final considerations (conclusions) and references (listing the references that have been cited in the article).


e) The title of the article must not be excessively long, but it must clearly present the theme and the delimitation of its object.


f) The author is requested to inform in the submission system and in a footnote any funding or benefits received (eg if the article is the result of a contracted opinion), and to declare that there is no conflict of interest that compromises the scientific nature of the manuscript. If the article is the result of research subsidized by funding agencies, such information must be provided in a footnote and in the acknowledgments, specifying the public call from which the funding results.


  • When authors submit a manuscript, they are responsible for acknowledging and disclosing conflicts of interest that may have influenced their research. Authors must acknowledge in the manuscript all financial support for the paper and other financial or personal connections related to the research. For example, if the author acts as a legal referee (consultant), s/he must insert a footnote stating that the article was based on the position adopted in the opinion given in a specific case due to financial payment. The conflict of interest can be of a personal, commercial, political, academic or financial nature. Conflicts of interest may occur between authors, reviewers or editors.


g) The abstract must have up to 200 words, presenting the article’s objectives, problem(s), justification, methodology, results and conclusions.


h) Bibliographic references must be made in accordance with the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT. There is a preference for texts that use references in full format in footnotes at the end of each page. However, references in author-date format are also accepted.see examples here


i) The bibliography must be listed at the end of the article and must contain only the texts cited in the manuscript. The bibliography should be comprehensive, citing up-to-date references (preferably published less than five years ago) and from national and foreign authors representing the subject addressed.


  • when the reference has a DOI or is available in an online journal, please add it to the end of the reference, with an active hyperlink (to facilitate access for readers); the existence of DOI should be researched in:


j) The use of bold and underlining is not allowed. Direct quotations from other authors should be made “in quotation marks”, without the use of italics. Use italics to highlight any relevant idea in the text.


k) We suggest that schemes and charts be inserted in the text through images, in order to avoid distortions in the subsequent layout. Tables must be inserted in the text itself, not as images.


l) The articles may have a maximum of three authors. In cases of empirical research and/or of unique complexity, which require more collaborators, motivation must be sent to the editors, explaining such situation and concretely indicating the contribution of each author.



  • according to the standards of ethical integrity to authors, it is necessary to ensure the direct and effective intellectual contribution and the consent of all coauthors. For example, the mere assignment of financial and infrastructure resources is not an indication of co-authorship. For more information click here.
  • in cases of co-authored articles, RBDPP requests the inclusion of a declaration of co-authorship at the end of the paper for publication, where the contributions of each author will be specified (in accordance with the Casrai CRediT Contributor Roles Taxonomy). About it: VASCONCELLOS, V. G. de. Editorial – Autoria e coautoria de trabalhos científicos: discussões sobre critérios para legitimação de coautoria e parâmetros de integridade científica.
  • all authors are fully responsible for the article and for the integrity of the research developed.
  • contributions from anyone who does not meet the authorship criteria should be listed, with permission from the contributor, in an acknowledgments section.
  • All authors must have and indicate Orcid registration (international author identifier).


m) Proofreading the paper is responsibility of its authors, since there is no step of spelling and grammar review by a professional after submission of the article. In cases of major and frequent errors, there may be preliminary rejection of the submission.


n) Articles by the same author (even co-authored) will not be published in subsequent issues of the journal, except in the case of subsequent submission to a thematic dossier. When submitting more than one article, the author is aware that, if approved, there will be a queue for publication.


o) The paper must address issues related to criminal sciences and criminal procedure and be compatible with the editorial line of the RBDPP and with the section or dossier to which it was submitted.


p) All data, codes and materials underlying the article and used in designing and carrying out the research must be properly cited in the text and included in the reference list with a persistent identifier such as DOI.


  • Articles that use underlying data (such as empirical research) should provide their tables and files (eg excel tables, sources, etc.) for peer review and deposit in open data repositories. We suggest depositing at: and In terms of the Scielo Policies, "the objective is to facilitate the evaluation of the manuscript and, if approved, to contribute to the preservation and reuse of the contents and the reproducibility of the research". There may be exceptions for legal and ethical reasons


Additional Information


The journal values security and transparency in its privacy policy. We take every possible care to ensure that there is no risk of access to personal data by unauthorized third parties and we guarantee that no data is subject to treatment or use outside the terms of our privacy policy. Click here to read the full document of the RBDPP Privacy Policy, with the terms of use of data and the rights of users.

The journal collects personal data in two ways. The first form of data collection is through user registration (as a reader, author or evaluator), at which time there is consent to the provision of some personal data for access and restricted use by RBDPP. The second form of collection refers to information obtained automatically by the site's server, which can occur by simply accessing the Journal's site or its content.





Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual Penal - IBRASPP
Av. Praia de Belas, 1212 - conj 1022 - Praia de Belas
(51) 3406-1478 
CEP 90110-000
Porto Alegre/RS/Brazil





Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual Penal Av. Praia de Belas, 1212 - conj 1022 - Praia de Belas, Porto Alegre - RS / Brasil. CEP 90110-000., +55 (51) 3406-1478 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil